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The new group: What's on you bucket list?

Regardless to whom you are, what you are, where you are or how old you are at this point in time of your life, everyone has a dream, aspiration, fantasy, objective or goal in this life. What is it that you would like to accomplish during your limited time on this earth? It may sound dumb, stupid or crazy but everyone has something that they dream about being successful at. What's amazing is that you're probably not the only person with your quest. Someone else would probably like to do what… Continue

Added by Marion P. Jelks on July 11, 2009 at 6:40pm — No Comments

Up on the Roof

I gave the chimney on my house a haircut today. It had become overrun with thick, ivy vines, that stuck up in the air about two feet, spreading out in different directions. Reminded me of Don King's hair. I'd been ignoring it because I feel Don King is wealthy enough to get his own haircuts. Vines are stubborn too. They sprout hundreds of tentacles that embed themselves in the concrete in between the bricks and hold on for dear life. After two and one-half hours of hacking, chopping, and… Continue

Added by Getagroove on July 11, 2009 at 5:06pm — 3 Comments

What Are We Going To Do About Stanley Schmulewitz?

There's this old guy who lives in my apartment building. He's lived in the building for about 35 years. He's in his late seventies.

This is what gets me about the guy. He works out every day in the building's fitness center. In his street clothes. He uses the reclining stationary bicycle. I know this isn't the Christian thing to say, but neither I nor Stanley Schmulewitz is Christian. The guy is a total pain in the ass. He listens to the radio while he works out. He laughs, talks to… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on July 11, 2009 at 11:55am — 4 Comments

Successes Vs Failures

This just in as a twist in my blogging if that is what they call this I am doing it is all green to me. I have predicted many world events before they happen and in each instance the news reports them after wards. I see and hear these so called self professed psychic clowns not that I believe any of that hooky pooky. I myself know better. There is a educated and uneducated versions of all professions in life. There are Doctors who like the Medicine Man and Witch Doctors are Homopathic Doctors… Continue

Added by Angel Austin on July 11, 2009 at 8:30am — No Comments

Happy 4th

Well, I've just had a shower and a shave and I have a few things to do I guess. Don't blame me, I mean it wasn't my idea, but I do, I have a few things to do - I don't know what they are yet but that's never stopped me before, so hey . . .

Ya. Oboy. So anywayz . . . as I was saying, I've just had my shower and a few thoughts came to me and I just wanted to share them with all of you. You don't mind do you? You don't? Well ok then, if you're sure, but you better BOLT IN just in case… Continue

Added by ZenDog on July 11, 2009 at 7:50am — No Comments



· Archivado en TEOCRÁTICO ·Etiquetado TEOCRÁTICO

Oración de Nehemías por Jerusalén

El libro de NEHEMÍAS



CHAPTER 1: 1-11

1 Palabras de Nehemías hijo de Hacalías.

Aconteció en el mes de Quisleu, en el año

veinte, que estando yo en susa, capital del reino,

2 vino Hanani,… Continue

Added by PROPHETESS TERESA AQUINO on July 11, 2009 at 6:07am — No Comments

I don't want to hurt anybody....

just music and wine..

will the moon will be shinning again..??

yes..so many thoughts..

I don' t like rainy days...

like this one..

will like to have

just a peaceful day..

a blue day...

I don't want to hurt anymore..

will see..if I set you free...

probably I will free myself from this pain..

two years later..today...

the moon is shining..

the sky looked deep blue..

I can hear the music ...

the birds..

the… Continue

Added by isobell on July 11, 2009 at 1:22am — 3 Comments

Enough with the history reenactments

Here's the headline in my local newspaper:

Reenactors Set to recreate the burning of Norwalk.

Here we go again. My city was apparently the site of a minor battle during the Revolutionary War where British soldiers burnt a bunch of buildings. This weekend a group of history reenactors will recreate the battle.

I've had enough of these people. What's the matter the paint ball facility all booked up this weekend? Is the Patriot all sold out at Blockbuster?… Continue

Added by Getagroove on July 10, 2009 at 4:00pm — 4 Comments

Oppose ObamaCare!

Did you know that President Obama and Senator Ted Kennedy are rushing a massive socialized healthcare plan through Congress -- with a final vote expected before August!

This Obama-Kennedy healthcare plan imposes $1.5 trillion in new taxes and forces Americans to “hand over” their health care decisions to politicians and bureaucrats. This nationalization of our health care system will cripple businesses and cause a massive increase in government control over our lives.

Is… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on July 10, 2009 at 2:00pm — 10 Comments

A Boring Life

After all the dislocation of my life, and the uncertainties of my existence, it is paradise to be in this quiet apartment in Washington. Some people say that my neighborhood is the dreariest part of northwest Washington. I am a stranger here, but I feel at home: it is life, and I am content--yes, miserable, but content with my misery.

I spend the day doing small things, drinking my morning cup of coffee, going to the library, then coming home and listening to music; afterwards going… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on July 10, 2009 at 11:26am — No Comments

Come Together People

No Matter what we as a people may or may not have thought about Michael Jackson as a person we can look a this acts as a human being. We as a people can look a the negative or look a the positive both do exist . The acts of kindness and good deeds this man did can only make us look at what a difference he made in this world and as a human being he was such an addition not subtraction to it. He made the difference and kept on making the difference with doing and giving monies and time to… Continue

Added by Angel Austin on July 10, 2009 at 9:30am — 1 Comment

DysEnchanted video

Added by Lilly DelValle on July 10, 2009 at 5:39am — 2 Comments

A Letter To Letterman, Hi Dave it's Dave

I originally sent this note to the CBS Mailbag on June 29, 2009. It's posted on TBD, but with TBD closing I can't hang out over there anymore, so maybe I'll be around here from time to time. We'll see.

Anywayz, Fuck the Bozos . . .

Hi Dave - its Dave.

Was that St. Martin you had on your show the other night? Oh no, it was Short Martin. I see. Funny guy. He's married? Not that I care, it just seems like it'll be harder to get him out of the… Continue

Added by ZenDog on July 10, 2009 at 4:56am — No Comments

Pharmaceutical Education: Who's Responsible? Who's Accountable?

Drug education is a deep and seemingly unexplored topic. No, we're not talking about Nancy Reagan's "Just Say No" program. We're talking about responsible pharmaceutical education. We're not here to point a finger or cast blame, but we are realistic in reviewing how our society arrived in a place where we have been faced with many unnecessary and irresponsible pharmaceutical-related tragedies.

Many people know more about their TV's, iPods and computers than their… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on July 10, 2009 at 1:00am — No Comments

hospital time

spent the better part of the day getting my husband admitted to two hospitals. ugh. First his meds weren't helping him, so we started out getting him into a local crisis center. Then, during the final admission process, he spiked a b/p of 200/123. We got him to the local general hospital and admitted him to the E.R. They medicated him for pain and lowered his b/p, then released him.

Back to the crisis center, to admit him for a few days. This will fast-track him for treatment with… Continue

Added by susie hawes on July 9, 2009 at 10:54pm — No Comments

somemore quotes

"Remember, a better way is never found in the past, but always in the future".

"Life is steep, pack light".

Added by Marykay S on July 9, 2009 at 4:04pm — No Comments

Wie Gott in Frankreich!

So, I'm sitting at the computer at the public library. I'm seated next to Arthur368, a regular at the library. Brian, the head librarian, is here today. He's wearing a very interesting necktie. It features a map of the District of Columbia. You have to get close to the tie to discern what it is.

It's now official. I will be spending two weeks in Atlantic City in early August. I leave on the morning of Monday August 3rd and will return on Friday August 14th. My sister has a condo at… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on July 9, 2009 at 12:00pm — No Comments

A Thousand Leering Grimaces of Life

I am an impostor with many selves. My life narrative is a place where imaginative revisions seem (at least to me) necessary. I understand that we must all construct a story of our lives: the quiet tale we repeat in our heads, after dark, while falling asleep. Without compunction, I change my story at will, inventing details, shaping and reshaping my persona to suit myself and the needs of my avocation as writer and my personal life. But I don't like it when others dwell on the details of my… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on July 9, 2009 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

Open Your Heart to Change

"You cannot change what you will not admit.

In order to live fresh, you have to identify what

needs to be discarded. A superficial change

will not sustain your core values.

Examine honestly."

from the book of inspirational quotes..

What a difficult task. Early in the morning

I usually try to think about yesterday and

what I done, who I'd trespassed , who I

love the most, and what I need to do to

achieve peacefullness. always… Continue

Added by avebella on July 9, 2009 at 4:06am — No Comments

Check this out! ROAD* Reaching Out About Depression

If you have questions or want to start your own "ROAD" let me know.



Reaching Out About Depression or ROAD is a free, community-based program created by neighborhood women for women who are suffering in low income communities with depression and its related issues.

By creating a network of support in the community, the ROAD program helps women who have experienced stress or depression understand… Continue

Added by Rhonda McPherson on July 8, 2009 at 6:41pm — No Comments

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