TBD on Ning

just music and wine..
will the moon will be shinning again..??
yes..so many thoughts..
I don' t like rainy days...
like this one..
will like to have
just a peaceful day..
a blue day...
I don't want to hurt anymore..
will see..if I set you free...
probably I will free myself from this pain..

two years later..today...

the moon is shining..
the sky looked deep blue..
I can hear the music ...
the birds..
the ocean...
the waves..
the wind..
the rain..
I feel so peacefully inside out..
time is the only answer ...
Happy Birthday..yeah..

Views: 14

Tags: and, answers...., dating, friends, love, questions, tough


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Comment by GUY THIBODEAUX on July 12, 2009 at 6:21am
Ohhh; And if it is your birthday. I hope you have a very happy one as I know there are people who love and care for you. Thanks for being my friend.
Comment by GUY THIBODEAUX on July 12, 2009 at 6:19am
Like Billy said ;time is a healer of all things,it allows us to rediscover ourself in many different ways,and in so doing a lot of times we find that we become better people from it. We can love more deeply, have more of a careing attitude towards others who may have gone through the same thing. And if we were or thought we were happy before we can look back and see what faults there was in the relationship or what ever it was that hurt us and try to correct those mistakes with the next time around, then we are able to better enjoy life and the things we love.
Comment by Billy Bones on July 11, 2009 at 7:05am
Time is a great healer. If today is your B'day, than "Happy Birthday!"



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