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Gallows Humor

Ya-ya. Settle down everybody settle down. You'll get your turn, settle down. Just take a number and get in line. I'm sure you'll work it out.

HeeHee! Oboy. eeYah.

aYugh. Well. Say, somebody asked me the other day if I thought it was all that bad. Ya-ya. She said she finally understood what I was saying and really wanted to know: Do I think it's really that bad?

Wanna know what I told her? Yes? No? Not sure? Heh! I don't blame ya. That's right I did, I told her… Continue

Added by ZenDog on July 14, 2009 at 5:30am — 6 Comments

Living The Poor Life

Hi Everyone ,Today is a bright sunny day and the summer is here... I am going to have fun in the sun and take a nice cool glass of Ice tea or Lemonade, I am getting ready to go out for some run around time doing errands .. How blessed we all are to get today and to do all these wonderful things we are not promised tomorrow. We get today and I make the most of every day even if it is watching a movie on Tv or on my computer. I like to think that a tthe end of the day I had a good day and did… Continue

Added by Angel Austin on July 14, 2009 at 12:30am — 1 Comment

It doesn't matter what I do.but I am always....

Blowing it or messing up again!

Added by LISA SWENNING on July 13, 2009 at 8:32pm — 8 Comments

On the Trail: Jack Kerouac in Cheyenne, Wyoming

BCM presents a Kaeru Pictures Production


Plot Outline: Jack Kerouac’s “On the Road” is a classic American literature work. Kerouac writes about his experiences in Cheyenne, Wyoming during “Wild West Days” on his way to Denver via Longmont.

“The stars seemed to get brighter the more we climbed the High Plains. We were in Wyoming… Continue

Added by Alan O'Hashi on July 13, 2009 at 6:57pm — No Comments

FDA Approves New Blood Thinner

Late Friday, the FDA announced that they were approving a new drug -- Effient, Eli Lilly's new blood thinner -- even though this drug comes with extremely dangerous and potentially deadly risks.

The drug is so dangerous that the FDA has technically approved it only for specific patients, people getting angioplasty. Here's the catch: In the study the approval was based on, patients taking Effient faced "a greater risk of significant, sometimes fatal bleeding" when compared to… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on July 13, 2009 at 4:00pm — 5 Comments

Why I Write

I had the lonely child's habit of making up stories and holding conversations with imaginary persons, and I think from the very start my literary ambitions were mixed up with the feeling of being isolated and undervalued. I knew that I had a facility with words and a power of facing unpleasant facts, and I felt that this created a sort of private world in which I could get my own back for my failure in everyday life.

Added by Gary Freedman on July 13, 2009 at 11:57am — 1 Comment

My First Summer Job

Thirty-nine years ago today, June 13, 1970, I started my first summer job, at the Franklin Institute Research Laboratories in Philadelphia. I was 16 years old at the time.

And look at where I am today!

Added by Gary Freedman on July 13, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Stop & Think A Moment

I just would like to ask all the people why do these so call clown self professed psychic's manage to get the people dupped. I can tell you they are doing a bag up job all the Sylvia Browns , Kenny Kingstons, John Edwards, making money off of books Show's, TV& radio Appearances and so much more to get tall the rich and fame while giving nothing yes nothing to you the people handing over your monies to them. They live in mansion's drive luxury car's and buy expensive toy's while laughing all… Continue

Added by Angel Austin on July 13, 2009 at 11:30am — No Comments

Is There Such A Thing as Holocaust Humor?

The Holocaust is a grim and sacred event in history. It is not the subject of humor. But I once heard a story tangentially related to the Holocaust that I found amusing.

A few years ago, the Metropolitan Opera in New York presented the modern opera "Moses and Aron," by Arnold Schoenberg, the great and innovative composer of the twentieth century. The music is atonal and its lack of traditional melody and harmony taxes a listener's patience.

During the performance, an old… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on July 13, 2009 at 10:11am — 3 Comments

Thank you, I am Grateful to All

Wow!!!! Look at all these wonderful and not to mention colorful pictures and lovely words everyone has ;posted on my Page. I want to say Thank you so much to All . I am very grateful for all the kind and most uplifting postings I have ever got on this site. This means so much to me to know that the people are happy and like the positive messages I am putting out there. I would like to a part of the solutions not the problems and to Heal The World one person at a time united we can divided we… Continue

Added by Angel Austin on July 13, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments

Why I Write . . .

I found a thread this morning that asked of those who engage in some form of artistic expression a simple question, and that is Why.

Interesting question. I was tempted to be flip, sarcastic, but I guess that is simply an expression of some tension, some frustration within me, the expression of which, within this context, may be counter productive.

It certainly won't win me any friends or influence people in a manner that is all that useful to my ambitions . .… Continue

Added by ZenDog on July 13, 2009 at 8:07am — 1 Comment

Manifesto: American Mad

Manifesto: American Mad

Are you Master of your own Domain?

Strange question, isn’t it. “What is up with that?” you may be tempted to ask, and most rightly so. There is, I think, only one correct answer, out of the thousands and thousands of possible responses, and that is: Are you insane? To understand why this is the most appropriate response, you must understand what is really being asked, and that requires a complete understanding of the original… Continue

Added by ZenDog on July 13, 2009 at 7:30am — No Comments

More $$$$$$$$$$$$$$, Less ads -That`s the way we do it!


Added by Oprea Ileana on July 13, 2009 at 4:00am — No Comments

Touring Tom Jones Still a Draw

Singer and 1970's, bulging crotched, heartthrob, Tom Jones recently appeared near my home at an outdoor theater. When I first saw the signs posted promoting the event about one month earlier I did a double take. Tom Jones? He's still out there? I hope he isn't thrusting his pelvis in and out like he used to or he'll get hip dysplasia.

I know you are waiting for me to say I attended the concert but I didn't and I'm sorry to disappoint you. Not having first-hand knowledge no longer… Continue

Added by Getagroove on July 12, 2009 at 5:00pm — 9 Comments

Touch Deprivation

Yes, let's talk about it.

I'm a nurse and a bodyworker/energyworker, as well as being one of those people for whom physical affection is not just pleasant or fun but a downright necessity. I'm a hugger. I'm a toucher.

I think, though, that in modern society, we just don't get enough casual contact to keep us from getting depressed. We think it is loneliness, we think it is horniness, we think it is a lot of things, but what a lot of it is, simply, is lack of physical…

Added by Caroline Gutierrez Abreu on July 12, 2009 at 4:30pm — 28 Comments

Whatever Happened to David Freund?

I sometimes wonder: Whatever happened to David Freund? David Freund attended my junior high school, Wagner Junior High School in Philadelphia. We were in the same classes in the seventh grade (homeroom teacher, Miss Lillian Camaioni) and the eighth grade (Mrs. MacKay). He later attended Central High School, but transferred after the tenth grade. We were in the same homeroom classes in ninth and tenth grades; the homeroom teachers were Mrs. Barbara Sandler, a French teacher and Mr. Santo Diano,… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on July 12, 2009 at 1:00pm — No Comments


Soul 2 Soul: Get A Life

How you doin'!

This is how we informally greet people where I am from in the union. It is always how I begin my entry onto every social media site that I am a member of.

It is good to see that folks are settling in here on NIng. I have memberships on other Ning sites. Once you become familiar with the different possibilities, I think you will enjoy being here.

For those of you who don't know who I… Continue

Added by msladydeborah on July 12, 2009 at 10:00am — No Comments


What is Beauty? There are so many young girls that are so confused by magazines as to what beauty is or is not.

Beauty starts with a kind heart. It is a giggle shared between friends*it is a secret kept about a suprise party* it is a secret broken when abuse is happening* it is a sparkle in your eyes when the person you love walks into the room* it is opening a door or letting someone get in front of you in the store.Beauty is knowing that it is triangles squares and circles and every… Continue

Added by cynthia Hunter on July 12, 2009 at 6:00am — 1 Comment

Arranging the deck chairs...

Can someone tell me, please, why people over on the original TBD site are STILL adding friends there and changing their profile pictures and information?

I feel like I should be standing on the deck, playing "Nearer my God to thee"

Added by Boothby171 on July 11, 2009 at 8:16pm — 2 Comments


Life is so full of changes! Some of us balk at them and others look at them as and adventure!
I love the twists and turns life makes it would get very boring to see the same rose everyday and not see any other flowers,tulips dasiy,blackeyed susans.
Grab the changes life through at you and enjoy them!

Added by cynthia Hunter on July 11, 2009 at 7:55pm — No Comments

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