Yes, let's talk about it.
I'm a nurse and a bodyworker/energyworker, as well as being one of those people for whom physical affection is not just pleasant or fun but a downright necessity. I'm a hugger. I'm a toucher.
I think, though, that in modern society, we just don't get enough casual contact to keep us from getting depressed. We think it is loneliness, we think it is horniness, we think it is a lot of things, but what a lot of it is, simply, is lack of physical contact with others in our environment. Our bodies were designed to be touched; there are millions and millions of nerve cells all over the outsides of us that are sitting there waiting to have some sensory input.
Can we start a revolution? Wouldn't it be nice to be able to huddle together in a giant puppy pile until we were all content? I think that allowing ourselves to be affectionate with each other, no agendas, no intent, just letting ourselves interact with each other so we get enough Vitamin Touch to keep away the blues would be a splendid thing.
There have been studies done that prove that infants fail to thrive if they are not held enough. If it affects them that strongly, you know it affects us our whole lives. We need each other. We shouldn't be afraid or ashamed to touch each other.
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