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Reminiscing About My Life as a Terrorist and Presidential Assassin

August 7th fell on a Friday this year. I can recall that August 7th also fell on a Friday in the year 1998, 11 years ago. Back in the day I was a danger to society. Yes, I was a very dangerous man.

On the evening of Thursday August 6, 1998 two Special Agents of the US Capitol Police (Threat Investigation Unit) forcibly entered my home, after frisking me for weapons, and proceeded to interrogate me about an allegation made by a DC employee that, earlier in the day, at the height of an… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on August 17, 2009 at 11:01am — No Comments

Reminiscing About Coworkers

August 7th fell on a Friday this year. It occured to me that August 7th also fell on a Friday in the year 1987, 22 years ago. I began to reminisce about Friday August 7, 1987. At that time I worked at Chief Justice Roberts' old law firm, Hogan and Hartson, in Washington, DC. I worked in the Computer Applications Department.

Craig W. Dye, a coworker and fair-weather friend, left for a Miami vacation on Friday afternoon August 7, 1987. That morning I gave Craig a copy of a book of… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on August 17, 2009 at 10:30am — No Comments

The Government Screws Up Everything It Gets Involved In?

Are you looking for the logical fallacy in the statement "the government screws up everything it gets involved in?"

The logical fallacy is that there are major screw ups in the private sector. Look at the banking crisis. Lehman Brothers was privately owned. It no longer exists because of faulty investment practices. Lehman Brothers was a case of private capitalists screwing up everything without any intervention by the government. How do conservatives explain that? What about the… Continue

Added by Gary Freedman on August 17, 2009 at 10:04am — 3 Comments

So far, so good

I look at my days now with new eyes and try to describe them to you. But I know that they seem strange sometimes to the lonely and lost. Many do not believe I was once angsting and aching in a lonely room, a lonely college dorm, a lonely classroom, a lonely home. I was angry and confused and desperate for love.

I'm curious about those who struggle now with the same pain I once struggled with. What words could I say that would ease their pain? Do they want it eased?

The… Continue

Added by Alendar on August 16, 2009 at 7:53pm — 3 Comments


Save A Place For Me

When you risk the climb

To the majestic mountain top

And sit gazing at the snow covered peaks

Embracing the stillness around you

Surrounding your soul with beauty

Breathing in the freshness of pine scented air

When you do this


Save a place for me

A place beside you

A place inside your heart

When you quest

For the bright orange moon

Slowing creeping up beyond naked trees

Light… Continue

Added by thallygal on August 16, 2009 at 7:31pm — 6 Comments

Angel food ministries

I have just come across this this past week, and am moved to share it with all I come across, not to insult anyone by any means, but to share with those who could use a little help through what has been difficult economic times for a great many people across the nation, Even those on food stamps or other means of assist can benefit, and there is no income limit so all can participate who choose to. If you are currently without economic challenges...perhaps reading this you will be moved to help… Continue

Added by Amanda W on August 16, 2009 at 7:02pm — 2 Comments


Light glittered off the huckleberry syrup decanter sitting on the shelf in front of me, on the mantel above the grill, while cars passed and fractured the light coming through the large cafe windows behind me.

I sat at the counter, nor really out of choice, but because all the booths were already full when I walked into Oliver's Cafe at noon today.

After being greeted and receiving a large mug of black coffee and looked through the menu and ordered the "Big Breakfast" an… Continue

Added by Wayne L. Christensen on August 16, 2009 at 9:19am — No Comments

Just another day in paradise

After a day of getting a lot of calls from family and friends and hearing all the gripes and complaints, I realized just how much time is spent on the negative - thinking about it, talking about it. It becomes a major force in our lives. Now sure, if you lose your job it's going to weigh heavily on you. Perfectly normal. But we seem to latch onto ALL the negative...

Someone cut me off on the road, someone bumped their cart into mine in the grocery story, someone cut in line in front… Continue

Added by Ciana Stone on August 16, 2009 at 4:51am — 6 Comments

They're Made Out of Meat

They're Made Out of Meat

by: Terry Bisson

"They're made out of meat."


"Meat. They're made out of meat."


"There's no doubt about it. We picked up several from different parts of the planet, took them aboard our recon vessels, and probed them all the way through. They're completely meat."

"That's impossible. What about the radio signals? The messages to the stars?"

"They use the radio waves to talk,… Continue

Added by Bill on August 15, 2009 at 11:18pm — No Comments


I am pissed, insulted and offended. Some man on here just initiated a chat with me to basically tell me he was naked. WTF!!!!!

I know some of Y'all are here getting your rocks off, but please have the good taste to keep you focus on people who you know want your attention.

Added by Grace Linda on August 15, 2009 at 4:04pm — 11 Comments


This is not mine, how I wish I could claim otherwise, but was posted today in the Coeur d'Alene Express, a local newspaper. It is penned by Rolf Nesse, MD.

I am very familiar with the issues at stake in the health care reform debate. So here are some things to think about when judging what you hear about reform efforts.

1 - Medicare is scheduled to have inadequate funds to fulfill its obligations starting in 2017.

2- Private insurance rates will double in 10 years if…

Added by Madhatterat60 on August 15, 2009 at 1:52pm — 3 Comments

Love Is The Answer?

Hey New Guy. Welcome to the war zone. How was OCS?

Did you say "Love Is The Answer?"

Someone said that long ago, and they killed him. His name was Lennon.

It was just another practical joke,

Uninspired, without humor, and o-so very Symbolic.

If you aren't angry

then you haven't paid attention.

If you can't pay attention,

you really don't belong here.

And they've dimed you out already.

A plane will crash when a series of… Continue

Added by ZenDog on August 15, 2009 at 10:50am — No Comments

Dr Mark Hyman: 3 Simple Steps to Eliminate Heartburn and Acid Reflux

' />

Added by OCNaturalDoc on August 15, 2009 at 7:16am — No Comments

What it take to be beautiful today.

Added by Grace Linda on August 15, 2009 at 4:43am — 5 Comments

The Winds of Change

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)


You are feeling the Moon's fragmenting tugs as she first pulls you one way and then another. You might try to disregard your changing emotions, but now you don't seem to have a lot of control over what you're feeling. Let the whimsical winds blow as they might; attempts to alter their direction are fruitless. Take detours and scenic routes when possible, for your experience widens once you step off the beaten…

Added by Wayne L. Christensen on August 14, 2009 at 6:47pm — No Comments

Glenn Beck Admits He's A Racist

Added by Grace Linda on August 14, 2009 at 3:11pm — 8 Comments

“A chance to start a new.”

How often we wish for another chance

To make a fresh beginning.

A change to blot out our mistakes

And change failure into winning.

It does not take a special time

To make a brand-new start,

It only takes the deep desire

To try with all our heart.

To live a little better,

To always be forgiving.

To add a little sunshine,

In a world for which we’re living.

Never give up… Continue

Added by hussain jack M. on August 14, 2009 at 2:06pm — 2 Comments

Bye Les, What a Cool Dude

Added by Grace Linda on August 14, 2009 at 4:12am — 1 Comment

The Flip Side of The Swimming Pool Theory

Just as an added thought, there IS a flip side to the Swimming Pool Theory of Life.

It also means you have to wash the sheets and towels first, because you KNOW if you just do the clothes, the sheets and towels will pile up forEVER.

Added by Quilty on August 13, 2009 at 7:10pm — 2 Comments

Dr Dean Ornish Says, "Our Genes Are Not Our Fate"

There has been much discussion about disease being "hereditary". In this short video, Dr Dean Ornish says we can change our genes by changing our lifestyles:

• eat healthier

• manage our stress

• exercise

• love more

These activities will increase blood flow and oxygen to the brain. Eating blueberries can make your brain grow new brain cells and reverse… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on August 13, 2009 at 5:00pm — 4 Comments

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