TBD on Ning

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Tags: fear, hatemonger, liar


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Comment by JMcAul on August 16, 2009 at 8:24pm
Hint: it wasn't Glenn Beck
Comment by JMcAul on August 16, 2009 at 8:23pm
Grace Linda, none that I know of. If you have specific examples certainly you can provide an exact quote. It shouldn't be too hard to find if this is true.

I would like to know however, when has Glenn Beck in all seriousness referred to anyone as a "typical (insert race here) person"? I would think that would qualify him as a racist. If you can provide me with a specific instance where he did that (and was not illustrating an example of when someone ELSE said such a thing-um, who would that have been?) If you can provide me with an instance where Beck seriously referred to someone of any race as a "typical _____ person" I will agree that he is a racist.

At this point, I can think of only one VERY prominent person who has made such a remark in the last year or so.
Comment by Grace Linda on August 16, 2009 at 3:56am
DUH NOW! and just how many words does he put into others mouths???
Comment by JMcAul on August 15, 2009 at 7:24pm
But the fact still remains, the clip is doctored and edited to put words in Beck's mouth to form a satement he never said. If you want to disagree with something he says why not start by quoting SOMETHING HE ACTUALLY SAID?? I mean it only makes sense. This clip is merely a straw man attack on somebody. At least Beck and Limbaugh actually analyze things other people say in the context they were spoken in. Your attempt to slander Glen Beck here is amateurish and ineffective. It makes it look like you don't have any substantive way to refute his actual statements.
Comment by Johnny Wheels Esq. on August 15, 2009 at 5:56am
"Get this one I believe that Beck,Limbaugh and all the the other right wing mouthpieces have cocks the size of 2 year olds and that is really what it is all about. They just can't get off any other way than to be silly angry bad boys."
Marry me!
Comment by Grace Linda on August 15, 2009 at 4:32am
I love the fact that his followers can dish it out all day about the president but poke fun at their messiah Glennie boy and I should have a lawyer, can you say public figure. Get this one I believe that Beck,Limbaugh and all the the other right wing mouthpieces have cocks the size of 2 year olds and that is really what it is all about. They just can't get off any other way than to be silly angry bad boys.
Comment by JMcAul on August 14, 2009 at 10:36pm
That sounds like libel to me. It is clear that this is a doctored, edited clip and takes his words out of context. Do you have a good lawyer?
Comment by Mark F on August 14, 2009 at 10:15pm
Too funny!!



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