TBD on Ning

I have roamed all the way back to page 6 of the discussions. All Right!!! I admit that I kept getting distracted by all the goings on, both witty and serious, while I was gone. It took me a while to catch up. But I couldn't find my favorite discussion. "Random Thoughts". Finely on a random chance, I looked in the Games Dept. There it is. I don't understand. Who thought "Random Thoughts" should be in the games group? It's not fair. When I play games I have to concentrate. How can my ADD brain concentrate on a game, knowing that Random Thoughts is within a key stroke. I think all us random thinkers should rebel. If we can stay on subject long enough. Actually, I guess organized random thinking is an oxymoron.


Where do you think Random Thoughts should be?

Tags: confused, dazed, lunacy, sex, thoughts

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So I went to the bank yesterday morning, only to find myself there a half an hour early. Left my car parked by the bank and went to the hardware store to look at the selection of belt sanders,(every girl should have one , no?). I walk into the hardware store and in spite of the oppressive heat and obvious lack of air conditioning the staff is jumping through their well you know, just to make me happy so I tell them to chill with that . Later on in the day I came back to the store with some ice cream that had been on sale, some cups,spoons and napkins and handed it to the person behind the counter and scedaddled for home. The look on their faces was priceless. I even got a thumbs up from the paint guy.
The things a woman will do to get a discount the next time she's shopping somewhere. You ain't foolin' nobody, sister...
DAMN, I've been found out, well we'll see what happens, I'll keep you all posted.
That is so coooool, Merry. A reverse rant.

I haven't needed a belt sander in years. All my belts are worn pretty smooth by now.
So should I go for the high end sander , the well known everything store tried but true sander...........................the dreaded no name cheap what was I thinking sander or the one made by the Japanese?
The guys will have to answer this. I was talking cinch belts, snakeskin, handwoven Guatemalan sashes...

... though B&D or Makita will usually get you where you are going, I understand. Check Consumer Reports?
Unfortunately most all powered hand tools are now made over-seas, but the best, most reliable is Bosch....made and engineered in Germany.
Porter-Cable one the oldest and still best manufacturers of power tools and the inventor of the belt sander does most of it manufacturing 80 miles down the road from me in Jackson, TN. Their tools are expensive and mostly used by professionals so Merry you might want to consider another brand.
My grandfather owned a small electric tool company & was a distributor for Porter Cable. '-)
DeWalts are expensive, but worth it if you think you're going to be giving it a serious workout. If you're a weekend putter-around-the-shop type, you can get by with B&D or Skil, but don't plan on building much more than birdhouses with them.
When I was in my 20s , I sanded down and finished a large bedroom floor in my parent's house. It came out perfect. Now I have a 4 bedroom house with hardwood floors in desperate need of refinishing. Hey wait a minute , look at all of the male responses to my post...............interesting. I was thinking that a craftsman would have just enough umph to get through refinishing the floors in the house. I'm thinking of selling it and flipping it really and getting something smaller.A Dewalt or Makita , not out of the question.
I haven't seen any Porter Cable locally. I was wondering how much hp I can handle without getting tugged all over the floor.




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