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The Swimming Pool Theory of Life

Someone dear to me mentioned my Friends Theory that I have posted on my profile. Another way I live I call the Swimming Pool Theory of Life.

When I was about five, a couple my parents knew bought land to build a house. A huge lot, because they knew they wanted a nice swimming pool. The Mrs insisted that they build the pool and the bath house first. She knew that if they built the house first, they might never get around to building the swimming pool OR the nice bath house she wanted,… Continue

Added by Quilty on August 9, 2009 at 11:00am — 2 Comments

I Read The Bill

(Tom is a missionary who sends out the Tom's Pen article to subscribers[.info on that at the bottom.]He is honest and I believe ths article has credibilty)

I Read The Bill

by Tom Wacaster

I have listened with great interest and concern to the “pros” and “cons” of the impending health bill that has been drawn up by the House of Representatives. Few, if any, of our representatives have actually read the bill in its entirety. In contrast a growing number of concerned… Continue

Added by alienken on August 9, 2009 at 4:49am — 1 Comment

Sangria Summer

The summer sun is coming on with a vengeance for being sequestered during the winter, which must be true because temperatures are holding between ninety and a hundred degrees. Salty sweat keeps trickling into my eyes, which makes them cry without any effort from feelings inside.

I think they call this type of summer a "Sangria Summer" which I have from a great authority and directly quoted from me. Not being Spanish, obviously I've always had to pretend, so I put on my best cotton… Continue

Added by Wayne L. Christensen on August 8, 2009 at 8:05am — No Comments

Can we do the math here?

Couple is in financial "turmoil" according to hubby. Can't afford a car or car repairs says same hubby. "I need to get a place that's closer to work so I can bike there...blah....blah....blah..." Um....hello...2 residences.....2 sets of utility bills, etc, etc etc, so on and so forth. So you drop the car, which doesn't have a note/lien on it, and incur new living expenses. Um....okay....I'm not a rocket scientist here, but you do the math.

Added by SuzanneF on August 8, 2009 at 1:30am — 2 Comments

L.A. Humor

Hey everyone. Guess what? It seems I’ve been very bad lately. Yeah-ya. Surprised? Ha-ha! No you aren’t. You know the only thing I’m qualified for is breaking things, don’t-cha? Ha-ha! Of course you do.

‘So what’d he do now?’ you ask? Well I’ll tell ya. It seems I was wrong when I suggested that the latest birther conspiracy was designed as a part of the plot to undermine the President during the health care debate. Have you heard about that? It seems a new certificate… Continue

Added by ZenDog on August 7, 2009 at 4:00pm — 4 Comments

First Crush

I saw her for the first time sitting alone on a swing, both hands gently gripping the chains that supported either side of the swing, while she swung lazily back and forth a few feet at a time. I moved closer and stood at the swing next to hers and asked, “Is it okay if I sit here?”

She looked up with her dark lashes half covering her chocolate brown eyes and smiled. Her white teeth flashed at me and replied, “Yes.”

For a moment I could not move, as her eyes swallowed mine… Continue

Added by Wayne L. Christensen on August 7, 2009 at 2:30pm — No Comments

New York State Adpots Mandatory Flu Vaccination Program for Health Workers

Opposition from nurses association falls on deaf ears

August 3, 2009

A New York State health authority has adopted a regulation that mandates every health care worker in the state to be vaccinated against influenza.

The news was announced last week by the New York State Hospital Planning and Review Council, despite overwhelming opposition from the nation’s oldest and largest state professional association for registered… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on August 7, 2009 at 2:30pm — 6 Comments

A Sign of the Times

Seen near Durham, NC, on US Hwy 15-501 at Lamm's Grove intersection.

No doubt, Mr Obama has inherited a mess....and it takes time, careful planning and wisdom to fix problems -- especially big ones.

Not for nuthin', but didn't Mr Obama win North Carolina in the presidential election? Wow...it doesn't look like the people are so happy about that 'change' these days, now that they see where he's going with it.

My, how… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on August 7, 2009 at 1:00pm — 7 Comments

Time to roll up the sleeves

It's time for the Democratic Congress to roll up its sleeves and forget about The Party Of NO!

It's also time for the Democratic Congress, and the DNC, to take a few "Blue Dogs" and neuter them.

I wouldn't mind so much if the cRyght had something ANY THING positive to add to the discussion. Heck, at this point, even a NEGATIVE ALTERNATIVE (other than status quo) would be welcomed because it would demonstrate that SOMEONE on the cRyght is still alive. As it is, the pulse… Continue

Added by Madhatterat60 on August 7, 2009 at 12:43pm — 1 Comment

What's Your Favorite John Hughes Movie Quote?

Writer/Director/Producer John Hughes died today in New York at the age of 59.

If you had a pulse in the 80's, you saw his films...."The Breakfast Club", "Sixteen Candles", "Pretty In Pink", "Vacation", "Planes, Trains and Automobiles", "Home Alone" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off". He launched the careers of many young actors and gave us a zillion memorable lines. The soundtracks were the sound of a generation and sold millions. And we all learned that… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on August 6, 2009 at 8:30pm — 3 Comments

The Bard

The bard, Barracuda Bob,

Once a hero of mine, could

Categorically claim

To spout perfectly putrid perturbing

Poetry all the time.

It wasn’t his way out wacky words

Which made him this hero of mine.

It was the courage to commit

His callous crimes,

That made him shine.

Standing slightly slumped with

Loose, lewd, overlapping lips

Laboring he blew raspberry kisses

At anyone who happened to walk by.

Then with a… Continue

Added by Wayne L. Christensen on August 6, 2009 at 8:16pm — No Comments

Protect Whales from Harmful Sonar

Speak Out Now to Protect Whales in the Pacific Northwest

The Navy is about to begin five years of sonar training that could harass or injure marine mammals 650,000 times. Tell our government to put protections in place now!


Added by Mark F on August 6, 2009 at 6:20pm — No Comments

Healthcare by Mob Rule?

Private industry has sunk to a new low in trying to get their way. Documents recovered and shown in the mainstream media television outlets show a public relations firm hired by the insurance industry has been organizing an "astroturf" rebellion (a phony grassroots organizing effort) to disrupt town meetings during the month of August while Congress is in recess and discussing proposed changes to the health care delivery and insurance system.

Whatever the public decides it wants to… Continue

Added by Getagroove on August 5, 2009 at 11:16am — 11 Comments

He's leaving on a jet plane

But I do know he is coming back again.

The "he" my 8 year old son. He was traveling with his older cousin, (12), to visit their grandparents.

It would be my Nephew's 7th plane ride this summer. He has been flying alone since he was 7 multiple times during his winter, spring and summer vacations. Needless to say it was not a big deal for my sister in law.

But for my son and I it was a milestone and I have realized that Mommy needs to cut some apron strings. I… Continue

Added by Grace Linda on August 5, 2009 at 4:05am — No Comments

"It's Not What You Say, It's How You Say It"

I believe both parts are important.

Take the word "word" and write it down 5 or 6 times with no spaces....like this:


Looks like "swords", doesn't it?

Our words can calm, comfort, create chaos and/or cut like a knife. Many people are not trained how to talk to others, so it's important that we are mindful of how our words will sound when they reach the ears that hear them and hearts that feel them.

When we… Continue

Added by OCNaturalDoc on August 4, 2009 at 10:00pm — 3 Comments

super hot in Syracuse, New York

I finally got a vacation from my job at Lazboy and it is so hot! I work 50 plus hours a week...so here I am thinking awww...finally a couple of days to myself...and it has been so hot that all I have done is sleep. The funny thing is Syracuse has been so cold that this has almost been the summer that never was!

please add me as your friend


Added by Ruthie Appleby on August 4, 2009 at 9:25pm — 1 Comment

The REAL Cast is ON!

Sara got her "real" cast today! She has a boot to wear on the bottom of it, so she can rest it when she's using the crutches. Doc says she has to use the wheelchair at school for the first two weeks. Then when she's really good at it, she can use the crutches at school.

She's SO much more comfortable. Thank you all for generous thoughts and prayers!

Added by Quilty on August 4, 2009 at 9:03pm — 4 Comments

Walking Thoughts

I started walking today---a new habit I am trying to develop. I let my treadmill take me places I’ve never gone before. It is amazing what the imagination will do.

Added by Wayne L. Christensen on August 4, 2009 at 8:29am — 4 Comments

Be a Hero

My son was murdered on sept 13th of 94 but on the day of his death he became a Hero! About two weeks before his murder we where (his sisters) all watching a show on Organ Donors.We all got into a discussion on Organ donation all my children decided that if anything ever happened to them that they would want to be donors.After all they wouldnt need them ( it was their joke). They thought it was a great idea to save a family the pain of losing someone you loved.

Little did we know that… Continue

Added by cynthia Hunter on August 3, 2009 at 7:00am — 3 Comments

Gettin' Down Groovy Dolls!!

Added by Letha Robinson on August 2, 2009 at 9:30pm — 2 Comments

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