It's time for the Democratic Congress to roll up its sleeves and forget about The Party Of NO!
It's also time for the Democratic Congress, and the DNC, to take a few "Blue Dogs" and neuter them.
I wouldn't mind so much if the cRyght had something ANY THING positive to add to the discussion. Heck, at this point, even a NEGATIVE ALTERNATIVE (other than status quo) would be welcomed because it would demonstrate that SOMEONE on the cRyght is still alive. As it is, the pulse from the cRyghtbabies is 'weak and thready'.
So forget them. Ram home a health care plan. We can fiddle and fine tune it later. Get it out of committee, out of a Filibuster Proof Senate, and on the President's Desk.
If the Party of NO!!! wants to step up...more power to them.
If they want to bury themselves further into obscurity, by taking a stand against National Health Cre Reform, fine...but then let hem stand in front of a REAL home town crowd...especially those from districts where unempolyment...thus NO health rampant...and explain to those constituates why 'the stood in the way of..."
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