Hell, Maria - It's how I clean the kitchen. Spray the room down and let the natural enzyme action do the rest. No CFC's or any of that harmful industrial chemical stuff."Mr Natural", that's my motto.
Yes, I have. How do you think I came to understand the corrolative principle of "shrinkage"? Bacon does it, so why shouldn't I ? I'm not VAIN or anythong. Thing. I said anyTHING.
Besides - Bacon and eggs for DINNER ?! What kinda Canuck Socialist Recessionist Moose-Biting Radical ARE you, anyway? EVERYBODY knows that you eat Captain Crunch for dinner.
Yeah, you didn't think I'd catch that, didja ? It's 'cause us manly-types're so detail-oriented.
If you haven't seen a 19 yr old with PMDD run out of pot after letting her shot for PMDD wear off, you know not the true meaning of rant and rave. OMIGOD I'm heading 4 therapy as quick as possible.
Larry, I'm hoping that I can suck on the public's teat and get my kicks uh mean therapy for the price of turning this ding dang contraption awn in the fust place!
Maria! you have a "man-cave" in your basement? That's a clear violation of the bylaws of the manhaters club. Aiding and a -biting the enemy, wait no , it says here that biting is allowed.................