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This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Rant: I have a viral infection
Rave: I have codeine

You mean you're on YouTube!!!????   You've gone viral!!!????

Wow.....can't wait to see it!!!!

Wow!!  A video AND drugs!!!!  

 Just like the old days....*sorry Cowboy, there are somethings you don't know*


Back to the thread....

Rave:  Yup....just about everything right now

Rant:   Tailgaters....everyday even on my little 4mile commute.  I may be slow but I am ahead of them.

Rant: Am I the only one that gets upset when I drive by multiple Church buildings that obviously cost millions of dollars.

Just like the old days....*sorry Cowboy, there are somethings you don't know*

And I'll stay blissfully ignorant, thank you very much.

I would like to hear their defense of such expenditures.

During my years as a wedding photographer I saw a lot of expensive churches and expensive cars in the parking lot. I finally started asking questions about the bountiful fruits I was seeing and most of the answers were painfully similar and self deprecating......"Oh, the Lord has just blessed us so!!!"

Uh Huh, right.

Right!!! I'm sure that if ou ask them, they would say that the lord directed them them to use their money to build a bigger building so they could house more members.

Right now I am so pissed at the Republicans for blocking and trying to dismantle the agency that was set up to protect consumers that I can't think straight.

What the hell has happend to americans idea of fairness?

Life never has been fair, but more and more the cards keep getting stacked on the

wrong side of the table.

The sole goal of the Republicans since Obama was elected has been to make sure he would be a one-term president. They don't give a rip about the country other than to undo anything done to help the middle class and the poor. 

Rant: Who the hell ever dicided it would be a good idea to bring a tree into the house dropping needles everywhere? Then you have to put lights on it and hang trinkets as well. Then after about 3 weeks you have to undo everything you did and drag in back out leaving way more needles than it did going in. I know they make fake trees that don't do that but my wife taught my children that only real live trees counted. Even though they are both grown and one lives in Nashville they still expect that live tree to be there Christmas morning. Also Caleb is a very poor judge of when the tree is straight and he does not understand the workings of the screw things on the stand. So somebody, me, has to get up and down several times checking for level. Getting up and down on metal knees is not so easy. It hurts like hell to knell on them and the doctor says it always will. As you might guess I just put up the Christmas tree and it is lovely.

rave: Other than all of that everything is lovely and my knees work very well doing everything else.

That is one thing that I caved on many years ago. When the boys were young we used to go cut a tree every year. Then sometime after they became Teens we bought a Fake tree. Never went back.

Just box it up, put it in the storeroom and drag it out and put it back together next year.  Made Christmas a lot more enjoyable.

Nothing like the smell of fresh evergreen. But I have a artificial tree and that's what I use otherwise I don't think I'd put one up at all.




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