TBD on Ning

Do you have a nagging idea of some condition or event in the future that keeps popping up? Will we need sunblock as thick as mudmask? Will they dig up the stuff we throw away today because they found a use for some of it tomorrow? What if they find a way to make more energy from nuclear waste?

Tags: IT COULD HAPPEN, crackpot predictions, futurama

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Some cats have all the bling!!

I bet she does Hip-Hop too.

I predict the USA will buy Saudia Arabia and gas prices will go down to 50 cents a gallon.

I predict that soon all moter vehicles will be converted to Natural Gas and WV & PA will be the new Saudia Arabia.

i perdick that ronuld raygun will git hisself on a postage stamp

Well, there you go again.

I predict Clod will be accepted as a Rhodes Scholar on the basis of his theories on macro economic trickle down supply side whiskey and tobacco equations.  

I predict that there will be a renaissance revival of interest in the musical career of the late, great Mrs. Elva Miller!!!

I predict if Reagan gets his own stamp, I'll never buy one.


I predict Jim Morrison and Elvis will come out of hiding, pretending to be dead

and have a concert.

I predict I'll attend.




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