TBD on Ning

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You wouldn't be far wrong - Another of my dad's "eccentricities" was a conviction that spoiled food could be "fixed" by sticking it in a deep-freeze for a couple of years, then thawing it out, slicing away the freezer-burnt parts and mixing it in with new, fresh food. Dead Wrong, as usual. But mom smoked so much that her taste buds were almost completely shot, and couldn't tell the difference between fresh food and what he's "preserved". About the only time we ever ate at their house was when we brought over take-out.

I was always amazed that they hadn't died of food poisoning a dozen times over. Just so crazy that the crazy killed the pathogens before they could do their dirty work, I guess. But I was even more stunned that they never poisoned the food pantry at mom's church, to whom she was constantly donating the crap. I'd bet that when she brought over a trunk full of stuff, they'd just smile and thank her and unload it and heave it all in the dumpster the minute she'd left.


One of the first things I did after he died was take a box of construction-grade trash bags over to mom's and throw out every last item from out of the THREE freezers he ran night and day, full of rescued "food". A slight mistake in the planning on that, as I'd forgotten that the garbage men came to my mom's on a different day than they did for us, so the "food" had the chance to thaw out for a couple of days before getting picked up, stinking up half their neighborhood. It wasn't in edible shape when it went into the freezers, and even in early March that became rapidly evident.


OW, I had the opposite extreme, Mom was a cleaning freak and a control freak. I tried to be reasonable with my kids and tell them that they had to know where their things were and be semi- organized. Demonstrate token gestures of cleanliness in addition to the Saturday morning round up where they each contributed 15 min of hard labor. The boys had to clean their own bathroom though and I wasn't adverse to paying for extra help around the house. My grandma was a visiting nurse and to this day I wash my dishes off in the sink without rinsing them before sterilizing them in the dishwasher. I'm not a clean freak, I am a germaphobe. The house is cluttered and dusty but hypothetically you could perform surgery with my dinner ware...LOL

OK, I see your point. Here's the matches that I was saving to get through that nuclear winter they say will happen any day now.


Your dad's garage sounds something like my computer. (:>)

RRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrant. Bloody cat needs to be de clawed but I don't have the heart even though he shredded a quilt I'm finishing a tiny bit. Killed the commando comfy chair and is working his way across the couches.


Rave; Had to turn off the pellet stove cause it was too warm in the house. It's 35 degrees outside and the upstairs with the bedroom doors closed to keep the cat out are pretty cool and might need an electric heater at some point. But the stove has been off for over an hour and the house seems fine.

Guess I'd better lay off the beans!! But yes, I'm keeping an eye on it.


My first car looked like this one but nowhere near as nice. Think peeling paint and no rear bumper. Also the gear shift fell off pretty often.

rant the  yard is full of leaves


Rave it is too windy to rake them so i will go for a walk on the Boardwalk.

My 3 year walmart battery died after only 2 years tonight. Had to walk 1/2 mile to walmart for new battery 3 year battery that is now only good for one year. I should have just called Pru.

A visit with Pru would charge my batteries. 

You should see her with a power tool in her hand.





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