TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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It's me with a cheesy plastic wreath on my head. Two ornaments for earrings. Guess I'm feeling festive. Why not?


The owner of the local pizza place wants me to grow more tomatoes and garlic next year. Who knows maybe we can barter for pizzas and grinders.

Food  v/s medical coverage.  I'd say it's a pretty obvious choice..

I have no clue what a 'insurance baby' is but I do know that them that lacks does without, and that is a sorry state.  

I know...been there.

I'm sure someone will explain it to you.....really soon.

Here I am, still in Tennessee. Not that  have anything against Tennessee, I am just pissed that my plans to be in WV this week haven't been met.

This is what it looked like Tue. 

And Wed.



Yep, the rain stopped. I got ready and started the RV to leave. It started emitting a high pitched scream. I wasn't sure what it was, so I called the nearest Workhorse Service center. Got Voice mail. Called 15 min later got voice mail. I drove to the shop in the jeep. They had 5 RVs in line to be worked on. Two of their people had called in sick.

I drove back to the RV park and called a repair place that makes service calls. A mechanic came out and determined it is the compressor on the in dash A/C. I could do without the AC if I had too, but it would probably cause the serpintine belt to break and than I would lose other things like power stearing. They had to order the part. So they sugested that I drive down to their shop and stay there tonight. Here I am in the parking lot. I am hooked up to electricity. They will work on it first thing tomorrow. the estimate is $1,600.  Not all things about RVing is fun and games. Sometime this month I will make it to WV. I hope. 

Sorry, Robbie. I'm moving & in a complete state of chaos. Does that make you feel any better?
My in-laws-to-be are Tennesseans. And they STILL like me.
We are generally a tolerate people.

WHOAAA (Going behind the building to swear so funes can't hear me) %#@*%$$$$$$$$$$

I still heard you.
Merry, Thanks for the new swear words. I'll probably use them before the day is over.
The DUI that hit me two weeks ago has insurance, but not enough. HUH???
So now I'm screwed for my deductible???
Something's not right here methinks...

More phone calls to insurance companies tomorrow. *sigh*




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