TBD on Ning

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KISS, that sounds like the lesson.
Yeh, that us old, simple folks with our old simple gadgets know how to have fun with what we have.
So, autumn is here. The leaves are turning and the birds are gathering. My tomatoes are done and the green looks tired.
I spent a good part of the day pulling the window A/C and dragging it to it's winter quarters and rearranging clothes.
The weatherman just said it's going to be 84º on Tuesday......sheesh....:-/
It was 94 here today and fall seems a way off. It is usually late October before we get any cool weather and November before leaves fall off the trees.
Obviously too warm for the Titans to perform. I couldn't resist. :)
I just take my summer clothes(that's pretty much all I have) and head South around the first of Oct.
Keep things going. I have to head to the land of corn to work for the entire week; Iowa. I don't have one of those fancy smancy lap top dohickies, so I'll be chatting with the farm animals this week instead.
Paint 'em all green while you're up there. Green cows are funny.
After 28 years of coaching the 4-H Dairy Judging team and winning 2 out the last 3 years. None of the kids showed up on Saturday. Must be time for me to retire.
Maybe it's next Saturday?




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