TBD on Ning

I have roamed all the way back to page 6 of the discussions. All Right!!! I admit that I kept getting distracted by all the goings on, both witty and serious, while I was gone. It took me a while to catch up. But I couldn't find my favorite discussion. "Random Thoughts". Finely on a random chance, I looked in the Games Dept. There it is. I don't understand. Who thought "Random Thoughts" should be in the games group? It's not fair. When I play games I have to concentrate. How can my ADD brain concentrate on a game, knowing that Random Thoughts is within a key stroke. I think all us random thinkers should rebel. If we can stay on subject long enough. Actually, I guess organized random thinking is an oxymoron.


Where do you think Random Thoughts should be?

Tags: confused, dazed, lunacy, sex, thoughts

Views: 86

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This made my nite.

Now Israeli Soldiers dancing.
They got into trouble.

Because we 'taste' with all our senses.
define pretty food.
Bob - really? Come on, you know when a plate or serving of food is visually appealing. You even have photos of table settings on your profile page if I'm not mistaken. ;-p
Those images are pretty special. I was just trying to stir something up...you know "food'..."stir"..;-D
Don't this look good?

OH, YEAH!!!!
I'd be your slave for a day.
I have a t-shirt that says "WWJD (For a Klondike Bar)?"

Not everybody thinks it's funny. Which is why it's funny.
I'm easy that way, too.
That's swell, because I'm feeling pretty lazy today.




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