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"Imaginethat's Improbable Possibilities"


"Imaginethat's Improbable Possibilities"

 "i COULDA TOLD YOU THAT!", but how would you expand your mind then?  Our nuggets of knowledge can still be retrieved even without hypnosis.  BTW, names will be withheld to protect the guilty and gullible, so don't hold back, let us know what's on your mind today.  pssst....you do know that this is just for fun, don't you?                                                                        ~Just A Thought~                "He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it"   Douglas Adams

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Discussion Forum

Feelin' It 8 Replies


Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Nov 21, 2020.

I had it... 5 Replies

Has anybody else contracted Covid-19...I had the experience and I do not recommend it. I work in a healthcare setting. It went rampant in our building ...5 deaths. We held the reins tightly from March to the beginning of October and not one person…Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Nov 12, 2020.

music please.... 506 Replies


Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Nov 11, 2020.

Good People 3 Replies

What are some obvious signs you are dealing with a good person?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Oct 31, 2020.

Slang and Stuff 1 Reply

What outdated slang do you like to use?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 30, 2020.

Books 1 Reply

What books are you reading these days, or thinking about reading even?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by officerripley Oct 29, 2020.

Just get another one... 1 Reply

If it is past its prime, do you toss it and just get another one? Or, do you keep trying to breathe life into it?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by officerripley Oct 29, 2020.

Welcome Kimberly Kamp and JOZEE!! Josephine & Patricia!! 8 Replies

Hey there Kimberly and Jozee! Josephine & Patricia!  How nice to see you here :)  We sure are glad to welcome new members and hope you find a comfy chair and enjoy a nice cup of coffee or "something" soothing because with all the crazy in this…Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 18, 2020.

Fall is here... 2 Replies

I wish I was there...beautiful Fall Season...Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Patricia Oct 17, 2020.

Honkity honk honk 1 Reply

How would you feel about cars having two different horns, like a polite “please would you move a bit faster, thanks” and a “screw you for being reckless and dumb”? ....wish my pitiful horn worked at all...lolContinue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 12, 2020.

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Comment by WS on September 19, 2013 at 2:09pm

Oh , Goodness, don't get a bull dog - they are adorable, but they never get enough attention and they can be very difficult to deal with (Not to mention that they have been bred for failure - noses are to short to breathe well, they can't give birth or even propagate naturally and they have a whole slew of health problems.  I love my bulldog, but humans have manipulated this breed badly. (Who in their right mind decides to breed a pug and a mastiff?!)  If you must have a bull - then go for a renaissance bulldog where they have allowed the genes to be replaced with longer snouts and a more normal reproductive system.  Better yet, adopt a mixed breed puppy from your local shelter (They are also adorable and probably a lot healthier!

Comment by flippr 2.0 on September 19, 2013 at 1:50pm

your dil would hafta love something like this

Comment by Karin M Fichtner on September 19, 2013 at 1:31pm
I always thought I'd have one all my life, too, but circumstances aren't what they were. If I took a puppy, it may outlive me....then who'd take care of him? My dil has to put up with Rocky;he was here before she was. But she won't want me to bring another dog into her house.
Comment by flippr 2.0 on September 19, 2013 at 1:24pm

Karin,it's not that I don't care about my dogs,i care very much,a few dogs back,i had to put my one dog to sleep,he was old and he got very sick,i had to do it,it hurt bad,but hurt like hell to see him suffer,the same day I put him to sleep,i went out and got Buddy,my last dog,he was great, I had him from a puppy,for 7 years.My neighbor fed him rat poison and killed him,a few days after that,i went and got Peter,I had Peter for 3-1/2 years so far,i hafta have a dog or i'll buggy. I always had a dog,i always will.As for the list I posted,it  means a lot to me.

Comment by Karin M Fichtner on September 19, 2013 at 12:22pm
Tim, that list you posted tears me up. I have to make a decision this year as to whether I should go home to see the kids for Christmas...or stay home with my Rocky. He has Dave while I'm gone, but he works long hours and isn't home most of the time. My dil doesn't like dogs. She will put him out if he looks like he wants to go, but she never pets him or talks to him. And if I should have to "put him down" in the next couple of years.....I don't know how I'll get through it on my own. Last time I lost a dog, I had my husband to borrow strength from. And we went out and got Rocky very soon afterward, to fill the hollow place in our hearts. Because I live with my son and his wife....this will be my last dog. I will live out the rest of my years without a best friend. :-(
Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 19, 2013 at 12:07pm

Comment by flippr 2.0 on September 19, 2013 at 11:43am

that's almost scary

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 19, 2013 at 8:57am

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on September 18, 2013 at 10:12pm

Good one flipper!!

Comment by flippr 2.0 on September 18, 2013 at 9:16pm


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