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"Imaginethat's Improbable Possibilities"


"Imaginethat's Improbable Possibilities"

 "i COULDA TOLD YOU THAT!", but how would you expand your mind then?  Our nuggets of knowledge can still be retrieved even without hypnosis.  BTW, names will be withheld to protect the guilty and gullible, so don't hold back, let us know what's on your mind today.  pssst....you do know that this is just for fun, don't you?                                                                        ~Just A Thought~                "He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it"   Douglas Adams

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Feelin' It 8 Replies


Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Nov 21, 2020.

I had it... 5 Replies

Has anybody else contracted Covid-19...I had the experience and I do not recommend it. I work in a healthcare setting. It went rampant in our building ...5 deaths. We held the reins tightly from March to the beginning of October and not one person…Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Nov 12, 2020.

music please.... 506 Replies


Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Nov 11, 2020.

Good People 3 Replies

What are some obvious signs you are dealing with a good person?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by flippr 2.0 Oct 31, 2020.

Slang and Stuff 1 Reply

What outdated slang do you like to use?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 30, 2020.

Books 1 Reply

What books are you reading these days, or thinking about reading even?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by officerripley Oct 29, 2020.

Just get another one... 1 Reply

If it is past its prime, do you toss it and just get another one? Or, do you keep trying to breathe life into it?Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by officerripley Oct 29, 2020.

Welcome Kimberly Kamp and JOZEE!! Josephine & Patricia!! 8 Replies

Hey there Kimberly and Jozee! Josephine & Patricia!  How nice to see you here :)  We sure are glad to welcome new members and hope you find a comfy chair and enjoy a nice cup of coffee or "something" soothing because with all the crazy in this…Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 18, 2020.

Fall is here... 2 Replies

I wish I was there...beautiful Fall Season...Continue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Patricia Oct 17, 2020.

Honkity honk honk 1 Reply

How would you feel about cars having two different horns, like a polite “please would you move a bit faster, thanks” and a “screw you for being reckless and dumb”? ....wish my pitiful horn worked at all...lolContinue

Started by imaginethat. Last reply by Jozee Oct 12, 2020.

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Comment by TeeBubbaDee on October 9, 2013 at 10:19am

Comment by flippr 2.0 on October 8, 2013 at 2:42pm

and my bassett hound's name was Pogie,my sister named him.

Comment by flippr 2.0 on October 8, 2013 at 2:41pm

also Karin,they say mixed breeds have more of an immunity,my last 3 dogs were pure-bred,ol' Peter is a mix.

Comment by flippr 2.0 on October 8, 2013 at 12:12pm

yea,that's how I remember him.

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on October 8, 2013 at 12:01pm

Comment by flippr 2.0 on October 8, 2013 at 7:56am

we had a bassett hound when I was a little kid.

Comment by Karin M Fichtner on October 8, 2013 at 7:45am
I much prefer mutts. My son had two pure-bred Bassett Hounds. They had allergies that prevented them from eating anything but extremely expensive vet-provided dry food.....which then required that Dave buy an extra freezer to keep it in.....to kill any dust mites that could be in the food.....cuz they were allergic to them, too. And one of them was the closest thing to a sociopathic dog I've ever known. He had no loyalty to anyone. Completely untrainable and mean-tempered. The night before she deployed to Iraq, my dil was bitten by one of them! He had taken after my dog, and she made the mistake of trying to break it up. Poor thing! She spent the night before she deployed sitting in the ER at the Lejeune base hospital. No, I think by and large, mixed breeds are smarter, easier to feed, healthier, and better family pets than pure-breds. Now that's not an insult, pure-bred owners.....just my opinion.
Comment by TeeBubbaDee on October 8, 2013 at 7:15am

I'd say the black spotted tongue makes Rocky at least part Chow. As a general rule I think I prefer mixed breeds anyway. We had 2 pure bred dogs, Sara, an English Bull Mastiff (weighed about 180) and Panama. Sara died very young, and we finally gave Panama away due to behavioral issues. Best dog ever was a mutt named Barney. My wife found him in the middles of a snow/sleet storm. He was too young to be away from his mother, and would have certainly died if she hadn't spotted him. Dee fed him with an eye dropper because he was so tiny. We had him for 15 years, and haven't had a dog since. 

Comment by Karin M Fichtner on October 7, 2013 at 9:43pm

My Rocky is a pound puppy.  He looks nothing like a Chow, as far as I'm concerned.  But the pound said he had Chow in him.  He does have a curly tail, his tongue has black spots, his coat is fluffier around his neck, and I guess he has a Chow nose.  But I think there might be some Shepherd in there....and he's black and tan like a Doberman.  Who knows?? 

Comment by TeeBubbaDee on October 7, 2013 at 9:14pm

Karin, These are Chows that have been painted to look like pandas. I seems to be popular in China. 

As an aside, We had a Red Gaucho Chow many years ago. Chows are known to be ONE OWNER dogs, and Panama Red was certainly a one owner dog. He tolerated me and our daughter, but he was my wife's dog. Big time!! He was also scary. We lived in an older home that had a front door, and a side door. The mail man came to the front, and the paperboy came to the side door. When ever anyone knocked on either door, Panama went nuts. He actually left bite marks in both of the door knobs. (older home so they were hollow) He was also dumber than a rock. 


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