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Tina's Blog – January 2010 Archive (10)

A Friend

A Friend....

(A)ccepts you as you are

(B)elieves in "you"

(C)alls you just to say "HI"

(D)oesn't give up on you

(E)nvisions the whole of you (even the unfinished parts)

(F)orgives your mistakes

(G)ives unconditionally

(H)elps you

(I)nvites you over

(J)ust "be" with you

(K)eeps you close at heart

(L)oves you for who you are

(M)akes a difference in your life

(N)ever Judges

(O)ffer… Continue

Added by Tina on January 21, 2010 at 12:59pm — 6 Comments

Removing the Debt For Haiti...

This is a message from ONE, a site & organization of which I am a member. Please have a look and consider supporting with your vote. And, PLEASE distribute to others that you know.

Love, peace and harmony ----------------------------> Forever

Vaughan. ONE for All - All for ONE.

Like millions of people around the world I've been shocked by the terrible events in Haiti.

Only now is the true scale of the disaster emerging. Reports now suggest as… Continue

Added by Tina on January 16, 2010 at 6:30am — 9 Comments

An Illusion Unto Thyself...

The idea that we need something that we don’t have right now is the root of discontent. We are never completely satisfied with this moment. Even when we get everything we thought we always wanted, it feels like there is something missing. Why? Because we have become so accustomed to waiting for something more, that nothing is ever enough. The habit of feeling dissatisfied has become commonplace in our lives. This is true for the rich and the poor, for the loners and the social butterflies among… Continue

Added by Tina on January 15, 2010 at 12:42pm — 2 Comments

For The Few "CRAZY" People

This came through a wise and wonderful Friend, I like it! I think it tells the story of human kind. Surely it sifts out the important from the mundane, the useful from the "not so much"...However it is not for those who consider themselves "normal", "sane" or "regular" No this is only for the Forthright, The Unique, Kind, Intelligent and "Crazy"… Continue

Added by Tina on January 15, 2010 at 10:55am — 5 Comments

Haiti Needs Good Energy, Light, Prayer

PORT-AU-PRINCE, Haiti – Haitians are piling bodies along the devastated streets of their capital after a powerful earthquake flattened the president's palace and the main prison, the cathedral, hospitals, schools and thousands of homes. Untold numbers are still trapped.

President Rene Preval says he believes thousands of people are dead even as other officials give much higher estimates — though they were based on the extent of the… Continue

Added by Tina on January 13, 2010 at 10:00am — 5 Comments

What "Frog" are You ?

It is a question that only needs answering to ones self of course. However several have asked that this be posted where the "many" may read it. Some have read it before and enjoyed it again. I think it is a story worth the read and reflection at least once a day for us all, but then, that would be me!

A group of frogs were traveling through the woods and two of them fell into a deep pit. All the other frogs gathered around the pit. When they saw how deep the pit was, they told… Continue

Added by Tina on January 12, 2010 at 8:38am — 10 Comments

Dearest Troy

Dear Troy,

Thank you for your kind reply. Not only kind but with wisdom that I can discern and absorb as well. Faith is the best friend I have held since the age of eight years, faith is what carries me when I feel I can no long walk and faith is the essence of every breath that I draw that keeps me here.

I understand faith of all kinds, especially blind faith and it was and is in this faith that "I" have lived this life. I live by the faith that all people all life is of but… Continue

Added by Tina on January 4, 2010 at 9:00am — 2 Comments

Go Samaa, Go Lightworkers!

Positively AWESOME News for today is that a few gathered together to pray for Samaa Sax and her family as she faced surgery behind her right eye, it was a dangerous surgery, it was done on the 29th of December, Well Gaylen was actually with the family and has Reported that Samaa's surgery was successful and is done, she is now recovering and doing well.

I am always so thankful when people care enough to gather together and lift up another… Continue

Added by Tina on January 3, 2010 at 8:36am — 5 Comments

Shall We Set Them Free?

While millions of Americans were finishing up their holiday celebrations, the Bureau of Land Management was flying helicopters over rangeland in Nevada, trapping hundreds of wild horses and condemning many of them to live the rest of their lives in a confined "holding pen."

Express your outrage today – don't allow our iconic wild horses to be rounded up and confined in tiny pens. Support the Restoring Our American Mustangs (ROAM) Act today! »

The act of rounding up wild… Continue

Added by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 3:22pm — 20 Comments

Will 2010 Be The Year

You think these things are difficult to see, to watch, to face,

How does it feel to be the helpless child who LIVES it every day,

Who lives in fear, Hope and trust for some CARING someone, ANYONE to stand up and hear, see and take action against what is happening to them...… Continue

Added by Tina on January 2, 2010 at 2:00pm — 10 Comments



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