TBD on Ning

While millions of Americans were finishing up their holiday celebrations, the Bureau of Land Management was flying helicopters over rangeland in Nevada, trapping hundreds of wild horses and condemning many of them to live the rest of their lives in a confined "holding pen."

Express your outrage today – don't allow our iconic wild horses to be rounded up and confined in tiny pens. Support the Restoring Our American Mustangs (ROAM) Act today! »

The act of rounding up wild animals and taking them away from their free-range home is bad enough in itself, but the details are even more horrifying. The winter temperatures put the horses at risk of getting sick, the little foals have trouble keeping up and get separated from their mothers, and the fear and fast pace can cause the horses to break limbs or even get trampled to death.

The ROAM Act would emphasize fertility control, adoption and expansion of wild lands, not violent round-ups and tiny cages. These horses have run free on these lands their whole lives. It's hard to imagine how they would feel to be caged up in tiny pens after living such free and happy lives.

The act was overwhelmingly passed in the house, but it is up to the senate now to stop the damage that is being done to these beautiful creatures and their homes.

The ROAM Act offers alternatives to this cruel and inefficient series of round-ups. Sign the petition in support of the ROAM Act now! »

Thank you for helping to preserve America's living heritage.
Care2 Campaign Team

Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFtIb/zkdg/bvG55
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Comment by Tina on January 6, 2010 at 1:19pm
I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again.
Comment by Tina on January 6, 2010 at 8:21am
Thank you for the signature CaseyJo, they are a part of the earth as am I. I had never heard of Care2 until a friend from another site began sending me information and petitions, I am grateful.
Comment by caseyjo on January 5, 2010 at 8:04pm
Thanks Tina..any friend of the animals is a friend of mine....I have belonged to care2 for years, it was my very first online site I ever signed onto I think. My very first blog post was on news from AOL. I met my very first pen pal at care2 when I was on Chemo..

I will sign and it is about time I checked into care2 and make some friends there...First myspace, then TBD got my heart and I left care2 behind.....I still get petitions on my e-mail account so I still have plenty to sign everyday, but leaving care2 too far behind is not what I should do..Thanks for the reminder...Hugs....K
Comment by Tina on January 5, 2010 at 6:57am
Yes I saw a smart post on some concern about this from where I posted it also in the Light Birgade group. It was suggested that perhaps the "dog food" companies were somehow tied into this action against these beautiful animals. My thought on that is this. Dogs are not even naturally draw to eating a horse! Yet mankind interferes yet again and kills them for the specific purpose of feeding the meat to dogs!
This is in part why I contend that it is the human race that is doing what is unnatural and thus interfering with the natural food chain. Man kind has stolen the land from the animals not the other way around and I feel that it is far out of balance and wrong. These horses and all living creatures have just as much right to live as does man, in fact man could not live without animals, creatures of the sky and water. So who is superior now! It is my belief that life creates a circle and when that circle is out of balance bad things happen. All each human can do is to do our best to help the circle of life stay more on center and with balance.
Comment by Tina on January 4, 2010 at 1:25pm
The Petition is above Sue however just for you and others who miss it I will post it again right here.
Thank you so very much for your wise and loving words for these creatures, they are a pert of the oneness of the earth and should be cared for as it is mankind that has robbed them of their natural habitat and lives.
Take action link: http://www.care2.com/go/z/e/AFtIb/zkdg/bvG55
Connect with Care2!
Comment by sue on January 4, 2010 at 10:52am
i have not yet followed your link nut i hope there are pictures of these magnificant creatchers on there! these horses cannot be tamed - it just is not in them so, once caught they will not be adopted so they WILL be doomed to live in small pastures if they are even that lucky and alone. any friend of animals should really learn more about this and sign that petition! thanks for helping to open eyes, tina
Comment by Tina on January 3, 2010 at 4:57am
Dear Mary, Thank you. Often times the "issues" can seem over whelming to the point that many throw up their hands and say, "there is nothing I can do, the problem is just too big", I do give money to several organizations that do their best to aide these animals and/or find good homes for them, I sign the petitions as they are posted, and I speak out on any level that I am able.
You are so correct that these creatures, these living beings, who feel hunger, hurt and pain cannot speak to a world that only "hears with their own language", it takes "hearing" with the spirit/heart to answer to these desperate calls.
Is to no fault of these beautiful creatures that human kind has taken more than their fair share of the land we were all provided to live on! Thank you much for your shared thought's Mary and yes, for your friendship as well.
Comment by Tina on January 3, 2010 at 4:52am
To have the animals spayed/neutered is a necessary evil in a world that has become what it has. I actually think that this is a good for the population that already exists. I am so very sure that if those cats spoke to you Funes, they would say thank you for caring, for seeing the need and for taking the time and money to help out a fellow being. I know that I thank you!
Comment by funesthememorious on January 3, 2010 at 4:04am
Undoubtedly living creatures should always have precedence over materialistic things. Nearby to where I live, a prison farm was closed, I buy food for the feral cat population that took up residence in one of the barns. All of the cats were humanely trapped and spayed/neutered.
Comment by Mary on January 2, 2010 at 10:18pm
I have been reading your blogs Tina, and the only thing that comes to my mind and heart.......You are making a difference, even if it doesn't seem so, or the odds seem against you......but you are doing what you have been called to do, the purpose in you life, the reason you are here.You speak with strength and power and most important of all........Love and Care for those who can't speak for them selves. I Thank you for being you and someone I am happy to call Friend.



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