Dear Troy,
Thank you for your kind reply. Not only kind but with wisdom that I can discern and absorb as well. Faith is the best friend I have held since the age of eight years, faith is what carries me when I feel I can no long walk and faith is the essence of every breath that I draw that keeps me here.
I understand faith of all kinds, especially blind faith and it was and is in this faith that "I" have lived this life. I live by the faith that all people all life is of but one creation. All were created for purpose and with intent.
I live in the faith that it is of no matter the name by which the creator is called or labeled, for He alone is one and Father of it all.
I walk in the faith that tells me that I among brothers and sisters no matter where I am and that love, forgiveness and faith is truly the essence of all that I need in this life and in the life to come.
I have known the greatest love known to human kind, and I have known some of the most horrific terrors known to human kind, in both I come to the same place, before the throne of He who gave me life, human life and spiritual life, humbly before He who created me, as He did all from the same dust beneath our hooves and feet.
From the earth comes all life and what last plants it's roots deep within Mother earth and shoots it's life always toward the father of all as the trees and plants that grow only in the upward position to example how all life should grow, toward Great Spirit (God); whose roots spread wide and far beneath the earth so that even when the tree is cut and killed for the uses of the human kind, it's root is well hidden and can last forever.
So Troy, it is with this , my same faith that I walk and continue to live among mankind, Those who love, those who hate, those who build and those who destroy...By the will of He who created me, I am one with all of life, thus I simply am.
You need not share this faith, my faith, nor like it, nor agree, this can make us enemies or it can make us friends, it can cause you to come closer or further away. It does not change for me, we are in essence and truth still one kind. If you choose to be an enemy I will walk away as though I do not know you, yet the truth remains that we are connected, and forever will be uniquely the same creation.
You seem and speak as a being with truths, heart and wisdom. You speak as a friend, and for this I am thankful. I ask nothing of you Troy, only that if we walk side by side for a slice of this living that we do so in tolerance, kindness and peace. Many blessings to you, T

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