TBD on Ning

This is a message from ONE, a site & organization of which I am a member. Please have a look and consider supporting with your vote. And, PLEASE distribute to others that you know.

Love, peace and harmony ----------------------------> Forever

Vaughan. ONE for All - All for ONE.

Like millions of people around the world I've been shocked by the terrible events in Haiti.

Only now is the true scale of the disaster emerging. Reports now suggest as many as 50,000 people may have died, with hundreds of thousands made homeless.

The work ahead to recover from this tragedy is immense. So here's our goal: $890 million for Haiti. That's how much Haiti owes to the International Monetary Fund, the Inter-American Development Bank, and a handful of others.

Sign the petition below to ask Haiti's creditors to act quickly and cancel Haiti's debts:


As Haiti begins to rebuild we can help by lifting this debt.

Together as ONE we can make a difference!


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Comment by Tina on January 21, 2010 at 11:16pm
You are so welcome Golanv, My heart breaks for them, as it does for any and all who suffer. Thank you for caring also
Comment by Golanv on January 21, 2010 at 11:11pm
Thank you for the link Tina. Petition signed. I will check out the other links after a bit of shut eye. Have a beautiful evening. Love ~ Raven
Comment by Tina on January 20, 2010 at 7:49pm
Thank You
Comment by caseyjo on January 19, 2010 at 3:24pm
Tina..I liked the way you stood up to Mr. Mann....
Comment by Tina on January 18, 2010 at 10:47pm

Comment by Tina on January 18, 2010 at 10:47pm

Comment by Tina on January 18, 2010 at 9:30pm

Comment by Tina on January 18, 2010 at 9:26pm
Some of us, myself included have Worked hard against that which has turned many into self absorbed, cruel and cynical human beings, I understand this Mr. Mann. Some, have simply chosen not to take that road, perhaps we remember what real life and living is all about, back when the world was about far more than it is to some today. It was about helping your fellow man, being a good citizen, about NOT causeing harm to others, and always trying to do the right thing for the next guy. THere are some left, I know they are my friends, people from around this country and around the world that still believe, because WE CHOOSE to believe that if and when human kind so chooses they can live in peace and can do and bring good to the world. Some people actually enjoy having and acting with good will, faith and hope for not just the world, but for those in this country as well Mr. Mann.
Some of us will die trying to help, to show care, empathy, compassion, kindness and love toward others.

Some of us, laughed at, poked with and at, scoffed at lied about and even verbally attacked and ridiculed, it has never stopped those who have heart for others before and it still hasn't stopped us now. I will be speaking peace, hope, faith, kindness, goodness and decency toward all human kind until I draw my lasat breath why? Because that what I have chosen to do with and be in my life time. Others choose differently and that is theirs to choose as well. But those of us that choose to be "this kind of people", You will just have to pardon us, step aside and allow us to walk on by anyway.....With your outlook and tone Mr Mann, I wouldn't have any hope for the world either, I am sorry you feel that way but hey, not to worry, someone will always and forever pick up the slack and the heart and life will go on...Blessings to you, I pray that you nor those you love never have a need...Much less such devastation in your life, it is an awful thing to even imagine for me, none the less be forced to face such utter despair...
I disagree with you, especially your tone. However, Here's a "stick" of gum and a half a smoke for you, I am saving my penny's for someone who really needs them!
Comment by Tina on January 16, 2010 at 6:53am
Lifting up the Haitian country and its people and all of the volunteers, military, rescuers that are there to help from all over the world... To donate to help here are some sites..


or You can text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 (charged to your phone bill) to @RedCross relief efforts in Haiti.

Compassion International has been working in Haiti for more than 40 years and is partnered with 230 churches helping more than 65,000 children and their families. They are onsite now working with the children, families and orphanages.


Your gift now will help distribute life-saving relief supplies – including food, clean water, blankets, and tents — to children and families devastated by the earthquake and aftershocks in Haiti.


Mission of Mercy operates 14 projects in Haiti and is responding to this disaster. You can join by making a donation to the Haiti Earthquake Relief Effort. Funds will go to assisting communities where they work and to join efforts underway in Port au Prince providing tents, food, water and medical supplies.



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