TBD on Ning

Mine started off pretty well. I woke up. That's always a good sign. However when I opened the door to  take  Happy out for his morning walk, I was greeted with a blast of heat and humidity. During the walk he  proceeded to poop three times in three different places. I sure am going through a lot of poop bags.

We got back in the RV and I turned on the battery operated fan in order to cool Happy off and the batteries are totally run down.

I started to prepare my cereal. I usually eat cereal with blueberries mixed in. I quickly dropped a new, full package of blueberries on the floor. It popped open and I had to pick up blueberries and throw them away.


So, how is your morning so far?


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What happened to washing blueberries?
Wash a bunch of Blueberries? Are you kidding? With only one pot of coffee and no breakfast yet. I probably would have recreated "The Johnstown Flood" I managed to only step on one before I got them swept into the dogs food bowl and dumped into the waste basket. I probably couldn't have acomplished that , had it not been for the lessons learned from Pru's Video.
Doesn't Happy like blueberries? I thought dogs liked that kind of stuff. My mother's poodle used to leap up and eat the huckleberries off the bushes when we walked him in the woods, and he stood around in the kitchen waiting for bits of lettuce and veg to fall from heaven while she cooked.

Of course, it probably doesn't work when you really want him to pick them up.
I was wondering about the 5 second or 2 minute rule on dropped items depending on when I last cleaned the floor.
blow it off, stillgoing, it'll be fine. and we need some germs to keep our resistance up.
I hope no-one has a picture of me pooping in the woods...
Or at the very lease, they have the good sense to not post them.
Okay, Robbie, what in the world possessed you to share Happy pooping w/us? lol
(& why must you pooper-scoop out there in the wild blue yonder?)

Well, I just posted what I was up to in the Daily Grind, but I'll go for 2for2.... I had a productive couple of hours cleaning the carport & now I"m ready to crash. Nap... grocery store... nap... grocery store... the jury's still out.

I hate stepping in the stuff.


lol! I remember that one!
There has been very little of my morning so far but all is well. Caleb is off to work in a few minutes and I have the day to myself.
The van did not show up and Caleb came back with me. I do not iron I just wear wrinkles, I mean my clothes




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