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Has anyone been surprised by the events of the last 1 1/2 years?

Given the news of the past year and a half, have you been surprised at what has been going on in our country politically? Did you foresee the events that have taken place or are you taken aback for one
reason or another?

Tags: America

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I agree Pru. At every turn, Obama was careful to tamp down that superstar expectation and to remind us that we would be responsible for insuring that the changes we seek would happen. As early as his victory speech in Grant Park and again at his inauguration, he cautioned us that the road out of this mess we found ourselves in, would be long and somewhat difficult. That fact that so many people didn't realize what he was talking about, is certainly not his fault.

Never underestimate the stupidity of the general public. It's all fun and games until "YOU" are the one who loses your job, or home, or life savings.
I am a bit surprised at the apparent division within the admin regarding prosecution of terrorists. I don't understand Eric Holder's position, but I assume it is strategy? I'm not sure it makes a lot of sense, but whatever.

I'm not surprised there have been no prosecutions of past officials for the institutionalization of torture as a matter of POLICY, and I think that is a tremendous mistake.

I am surprised at the popularity of Palin - the Quitter - and disconcerted too, but I think it goes to show how important the use of language can be in reaching people. Perhaps it is even a demonstration that some folks don't mind being lied to at all, as long as you reflect their attitudes and beliefs - one of them being rage at the Status Quo - and the success of the repelican camp in hijacking that rage . . . that is surprising. What we need is a huge scandal, involving money, right wing politicians and special interests. We need arrests, convictions, and public hangings in the city square . . .
I think all voters need to ask themselves one question: What motivates a politician to run for office? Is it a deep love of the American people and a strong desire to do what's best for his/her constituents? Is it because they're the most narcissistic, self-centered people on earth? Realistically, not one of us knows the answer, we can only speculate and hope. Ask a politician this question and you can all guess how he'll answer.
Zen, I think the only way to explain the lack of prosecutions of past officials, is that to do so would mean the abandonment of the administration's policy agenda. I expect to see more movement in this direction as Obama's term comes to an end. Whether tried in a court of law or the court of public/world opinion, I think the investigations are ongoing.
There has got to be a way to do it that doesn't tie up Congress. There are credible conservatives out there - at least, I assume they are credible, I'm not a conservative watcher - who were very concerned during the, um, reign of Bush, complete with his entourage of Bushite!, and the steps that were taken along the well marked road to fascism. Letter To A Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf made that point quite clear.

How is it that those sworn to uphold the Constitution can so thoroughly attempt its subversion and not be held accountable?
Hey, you're preaching to the choir here. I would love to see them held accountable.
A conundrum to this question I find, is people have a low rating of congress but not their own representatives and senators.
I don't find that difficult to understand. Politics in the US and any country that has a strong elected representitive body depends on compromise. Most people hate compromise. We want what "WE" want and will be upset if we don't get it. Rarely in congress do you get everything you want in any bill. Therefore you dislike anyone or anything that kept you from getting everything you wanted. Therefore you like your representitive who tried to get what you wanted but dislike others who might have caused modification to what you wanted.
People who do not undertand the government process of accomplishment often lose faith in their representative because he/she doesn't have enough power to get every thing they want. Or even worse, don't have enough power to keep others from getting what they want. This seems to be the case with Obama and the people who are strongly to the left of political center.
Politicians are like lawyers....We hate to admit, but we need them around to do our dirty work for us.

And then, because we don't want to admit that we wanted something dirty done, we blame them for doing it.

I always refer to one of the greatest, truest statements that I ever heard uttered by an American politician: "The problem with democracy is that the people usually get the government they deserve."
Well said, Robbie.
I agree Quinn, we definitely hear more about the bad than the good. Bull, I believe my congressman, Tim Ryan, is one of the worst ever. He's a figurehead, nothing more. He's fantastic at getting votes. When he ran the first time he had college students standing on every corner of Youngstown and surrounding communities, Ryan is a young man and won easily. Since being elected he hasn't had an original thought or promoted any legislation. He votes with the Democrats every time. He will NEVER, EVER do anything to prevent him from getting re-elected. He tells us what we want to hear. I just want every voter to try their best to determine what each and every candidate's motive is for running. It's a tough job, listen to your gut and vote accordingly.

My favorite was Jim Traficant, the only reason anybody wouldn't want Traficant as their representative would be that he didn't look the part. Wrinkled polyester suits, wild hair and his infamous "Beam me up Scottie" when he had the floor. Washington hated him because he said what was on his mind and he didn't play ball with either party. He voted the way he knew was best for his constituents and his country. If you don't play ball with lobbyists and the rest of your colleagues you end up in prison.
Actually Larry, Traficant was expelled from congress after being convicted of taking bribes, filing false tax returns, racketeering, and forcing his aides to perform chores at his farm in Ohio and on his houseboat in Washington, D. C..

If it wasn't for Sherrod Brown, I would think Ohio had something wrong with the water.




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