TBD on Ning

I got a problem. Yes, and I do not know how to approach it. I got a new computer about three weeks ago, and I have been the only person to use it, with the exception--of the chidrens father who ask to use it to check his email one afternoon. I was just flicking through the google sites last night as I have been looking up some things on the girlfriend that lost her son. I saw something that looked very strange--I clicked on the link--bingo--it was a link to porn of girls just over 18 doing it all. I am disturbed that this old man that is 71 is looking at this trash of children yonnger than his grandchild.

He had gone so far as to put this city in, and other things on the site.


Is this normal?



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OK, I admit it. I am a total pervert. Today, I wached turtle sex and I enjoyed it!!!! (thanks Pru)
It could have been worse, you know. He could have been looking at a site where folks over 80 were having sex! (Try and keep that visual out of your heads) Would that have been more acceptible?

I would say this it was certainly bad judgement to view material that might prove offensive on someone else's computer. But as the women were of legal age, you certainly can't say that it was child pornography. (For most people here, child pornography involves anyone under 40) And would it have been any more "acceptible" if it was, say, a KKK web site? A web site featuring torture? A Kenny G video?

As for him being 71, so what? Is there an age where a person is no longer allowed to view sexual material? I must have missed that memo.

As I said, it was certainly poor judgement to knowingly view pornographic material on someone else's computer (as it would be to sneak a peak at someone else's email) But by the same token, if you were looking for something specific on Google, as it appears you were, then how did you manage to click on that link? When you do a search for something specific, do you always look at your browser's history on the chance that something relevent might just happen to be there? Or were you just plain nosy......errrr......curious? And if you saw a website that said "www.teensdoitall.com" and you clicked it, why would you be surprised at what was on it? Virtually all porn sites have some pretty suggestive URLs (don't ask me how I know this - I please the Fifth). I would be surprised if you didn't have a pretty good idea what you would find when you clicked the link, yet you clicked it anyway. You remind me of the folks who call up TV stations when they inadvertently air pornography but they always wait until after it's over before they call. And they're always shocked!

As for me, you can call me a dirty old man, if you want. I'm comfortable in that role. But you know what? When the day comes when I can't enjoy the site of a beautiful woman, clothed or not, that's the day that I'll hang it up. And when it comes to pornography, I'd have that aired than have tons of gratuitous violence that seems to hit the airways every night.

Was bad judgement exercised? Absolutely. But it could have been worse.
OK how was the link. I hear there was an overload on the link??????@#$#$ Where is 1GL????
The Wisdom of Willie Nelson on his 75th Birthday.


Do you think drugs and booze might have had something to do with that? I hope so.
A better question is when did it die?
What's the big deal? At least it wasn't child porn. As long as a man has a pulse he is going to lust after women. Me and my fiancee watch porn together all of the time. I am not sure why so many are against it. It can be quite educational and add spice to your relationship.
Is this normal?

My cousin used to work in a small video store in the 80's and since I was close to her, I'd visit the shop often and hang out behind the counter with her. The owner didn't mind since I was his niece anyway. Well, one thing both my cousin and I observed is that most of the porn renters are older (and elderly) people. We were both flabbergasted when a grand-aunt walked into the store and rented one. lol My cousin and I were curious about the hype, so we decided, along w/another cousin to watch a porn in the backroom. LoL Our expressions must have been perfect for a classic Kodak moment. I was in my early to mid teens at the time and was never really told in detail about the birds and the bees so I got an educational eyeful. We fast foward-ed through a whole shelf of porn, mainly Traci Lords LoL

I guess watching porn is a vicarious way to relive one's youthful vigor. Porn doesn't appeal to me...I'd rather read erotica. lol
Maricel? That's exactly what they said in the video funes posted above. Men are visual and fantasize by watching porn and women fantasize by reading erotica. Interesting.
Wow!!!! Funs, Thanks for leading me to this website. I will now be able to sleep soundly tonight.

LOL...yeah, they are a wealth of information.
I GreatLady====Thank you so much. You are a lady of real morals and the world would be a better place with more like you.




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