TBD on Ning

I'm retired. I get a little bored sometimes, but I really don't miss working.
Has anyone here ever had a steady full time job that they really liked? That they just couldn't wait to get too. I don't mean one day out of the month. I mean one that made you look forward to starting every day.
I enjoyed repairing radios. I didn't think it was more fun than playing the slots, but I did like it. Kind of. Then the Army decided that if I liked it there must be something wrong so they promoted me. Then I had to keep track of a bunch of other people repairing radios. Not as much fun.
I had a number of jobs that I could tolerate, but I can't remember one that I couldn't wait to get too.
I think my son knows more about life than I do. He said "When you have to do it, it isn't fun anymore. So, lets hear about all those really lovable jobs that we tbders have held.

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Darroll, the Foestry job sounds like it had it's moments. But I bet traveling all over for the phone company had some good times in the mix. I have some great "war stories" about my travel to places like Panama, Turkey, Berlin, Viet Nam and others.
I actually have had very few jobs for a person of my age.
1. Clerk in a dry goods store- hated it
2. ditch digger- double hated it
3. lifeguard- loved it
4. Teacher, high school- loved it sometimes and hated it at others
5. motel clerk- I only lasted 4 days
6. Teaching graduate school- loved it
7. Retired- love it
Mud boy for bricklayers in college. $4.00 an hour and all the beer I could drink.
I got my youngest son a job as a hod carrier one time. It's a great story but would start a whole new discussion.




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