TBD on Ning

I'm retired. I get a little bored sometimes, but I really don't miss working.
Has anyone here ever had a steady full time job that they really liked? That they just couldn't wait to get too. I don't mean one day out of the month. I mean one that made you look forward to starting every day.
I enjoyed repairing radios. I didn't think it was more fun than playing the slots, but I did like it. Kind of. Then the Army decided that if I liked it there must be something wrong so they promoted me. Then I had to keep track of a bunch of other people repairing radios. Not as much fun.
I had a number of jobs that I could tolerate, but I can't remember one that I couldn't wait to get too.
I think my son knows more about life than I do. He said "When you have to do it, it isn't fun anymore. So, lets hear about all those really lovable jobs that we tbders have held.

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I love my job. It has something new going on all the time. Its not for everybody, but it sure is for me. Most on here know what I do. I check them in, but do not see them leave( usually).
I love that waitress in a donut shop thing. I bet you sold a lot of donuts, too! :)
Pru, We all want to know about the bistro/jazz bar. Were you a singer of torch songs?
Crew dispatching on the railroad was by far my favorite job. I enjoyed going to work in those days. Once I learned all the rules drawn up between the railroad and the union, the job was easy. It was a challenge when the trainmaster or yardmaster needed 4 crews to start within 15 minutes of each other. In those days there were 5 men to each crew. It was a fun challenge. Don't let the picture fool you, it was a tough job but somebody had to do it.

My kind of job. Let the other guy do all the work, while I make sure the chair is comfortable enough for long-term, uh, resting.
He's just one of my trainmen using the phone. I don't recognize him.
I did like my job during phase one of the 2000 census. I got to be the courier. I got paid as a supervisor and didn't have to supervise anybody. Had a small toyota station wagon that got about 35 mi to the gallon so I made pretty good money off the travel allowance. Then, as usual, when phase two started I was put back into a supervisory position. Not anywhere near as much fun. BTW Larry, thats a better looking beard. What you needed was some multicolored bell bottoms. Oh, I notice there is some eye lid checking going on.
That pic was around 1979. I still had some bellbottoms.
I loved my clerking job at the hobby shop. I got to interact with customers, do inventory, assemble products, and, my favorite, checking in and stocking new merchandise. Every Thursday, we would get huge boxes full of products, and it was like Christmas every week when I would get to open the boxes and see what we got in that week, check everything off on the invoice, and stock the products on the shelves. Only lasted 14 months, but oh, what fun that was!!
I have had jobs I hated!!! But have also had several I enjoyed. I really had a good time managing a small mom/pop pizza shop. I had a lot of fun (probably too much fun because of the tequila) managing a bar/restaurant. I loved being head rigger for a boat dealership, where I unloaded boats with a crane, inspected them, installed out drives, depth finders, VHF, GPS systems, etc. (Pretty much any option the customer wanted) The cool part of the job was water testing every boat . I got to take everything from 16 foot aluminum, to 32 foot deluxe (Wellcraft) boats for a ride before we turned them over to the customer. I would be on the water approx 3 to 4 hours a day. (even got to rescue damsels in distress wearing bikinis that got stranded on the lake) But by far, the best job I ever had was owning my own antique shop. Yes, I worked 7 days a week, but I was doing work I LOVED!!!! I had a shop where I was renting space to 16 other dealers to help cover some of my overhead. I had the shop for almost 7 years until the mega malls pulled dealers away from me, and ebay flooded the market with items that were at one time hard to find. Still, it was a very good ride while it lasted.
I worked 12 years in sales, 11 years in our travel agency and 1 year selling cars. The worst 12 years of my life. I really don't care to deal with the public. Bless all you people who are able to deal with the public.
Quinn, I'm pretty much in agreement with you. I've had a lot of jobs. Many I liked, but never enough to think every day, Boy, I like what I'm doing so much, that I just can't wait to get there.
Jobs Held: Chronological Listing;Liked/Disliked

Cleaning motel rooms: disliked
Air conditioning instalation helper: disliked
College Student: disliked
Super Market(Kroger) part time clerk: Liked some aspects/hated running cash register.
US Army National Guard Gunner on light tank: Mixed
Surveyor/property sitter/miner:(3 yeqrs in Colorado during Urainium boom) liked most of it. great adventures.
US Army Nuclear Weapons Assemblyman (3 years): Very Boring, Hated it.
Aluminium Fabrication R&D Tech: dislike
Clerk in 7/11: Enjoyed, Had to leave due to personal problems
Steel Rigger(puting up prefabricated small comercial buildings): Mixed
US Air Force Electronic Technition(5 yr): enjoyed
US Air Force Instructor in Instructor Course(2 yr): Mixed
US Army Warrant Officer(Elctronic Warfare) 12 years, Loved some positions, hated some positions
College Student(3 Sem): loved it
Personnel Manager/Recruter for Defense Contractor(4 yr): Mixed
Program Manager(Developing Electronic Warfare Systems)7 years, mostly liked, hated proposals
Director of Programs(6 yr): Liked, but very stressful, Large amounts of money and personnel
Kiosk in mall during holidays(Thanksgiving thru Christmas):disliked; at Mall Managers mercy
Part time Sales person in retail sporting goods megastore, Gallyans, camping and boating:mixed
Traffic Counter for Traffic Engineering Firm(Part Time): Liked
2000 Census(Supervisor/Courier: Mixed
Real Estate Agent: Mixed
Residental Real Estate Appraisor: Liked, but difficult ethically challenging
Retired RV Bum: Love it.
There you have my work history. What's yours? TBubbaD's Antique store and Pru"s Jazz/Bistro are the best sounding ones so far.




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