TBD on Ning

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They were clearing a path to your door to ask your permission.

Sounds about like the IQ level of some of your neighbors.

I am now getting into the shower. Nobody post anything until I'm out.
Are you out yet? Is it safe to look? Geez Snagg, put some pants on already!

It's 18 below outside, lady. This is LOINCLOTH WEATHER! 'Scuse me while I run around the block until my hair dries.
Snagg has started the Tarzan Club. It's feats of endurance are similar to the Polar Bear Club and involves just about as much clothing. Shoes optional.
It's merely a courtesy. I have a doctor's appointment in two hours.
4 inches? I could shovel all that out with a teaspoon in about an hour. Girly girl!
Tsk tsk. Global warming is out. Climate change is in. You don't like this climate change? We got more snow and now for the arctic freeze. Brr.
It is 26 degrees in Houston, what happened to global warming? Now the price of orange juice will go up.
It's 5 degrees here and it's going to be in the negative soon. My Sheltie misses being on the chain outside and whimpers to go out. I bundle up to just watch him stand on the sidewalk and not do a blessed thing. Bring him in and then five minutes later there he is by my side whimpering again. Is strangling a dog permissible?
No Ubu.
What a surprise answer from the fuzzy one!! Okay I won't strangle him but the thought still lingers.
Ubu, You got to walk him. Believe me. The nastier it is outside the more they insist that you go out with them. Keeps you young. Until you slip on the Ice and break a hip. Then he'll lick your face. Right after licking his butt. Dogs are fun that way.




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