We know the entertainment industry is about image, we see it on the "entertainment news programs".
American industry is all about image also. 3 of my old trucking buddies called me today, they got the axe. No apparent rhyme nor reason to how they were picked, they were all told that it was about the numbers. 2 others got the axe that I know of, maybe more. All 5 were top earners and had more seniority than others who are still working (no union). 6 or 7 years ago our company started a bonus program where top earners received paid days off for the coming year and also received monetary bonus each month for doing their job the way it should be done.
I couldn't believe it when they started this incentive program. My incentive program would have been "do your job the way it should be done or you're gone". Anyway, now the company is biting the top earners in the ass. The monetary bonus we earned every month is paid in one lump sum at Christmas. There's only one stipulation to receiving your perks. You must be a "currently active employee". Yep, you got it.
Since the owners of the company have made their money and have lost interest, they hired a "top notch" management team. ROFLMAO
Money earned or saved for a company by loyal employees who take care of their equipment, take care of their cement customers and do their job the right way, does not show up on a P&L statement. However, money saved by axing high dollar drivers jumps off a P&L sheet. It makes management look good.
American industry is all about image!
I love my fellow citizens and every single member of our armed forces. However, more and more I'm becoming an embarrassed American
To hell with what's right. Let's just look good!