TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

Post your rant here.

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Dear Robbie....

I lived in the South for long enough to pick up some of their code phrases. Can I just say:

Well Bless Your Heart!
Yes you can put in a workman's comp claim, that is a legitimate work-related injury.
Oh that's a very good rant Maria! I can sympathize. Ass end of your vehicle though? Lol!

May I also add:

And just because you are in a four-wheel-drive vehicle does not mean that you can STOP any faster in the snow than a regular vehicle!
Very good points Maria and Calli.
I remember reading an article that featured an interview with the manager of a auto dealership's repair shop, and he was shaking his head at the lack of knowledge shared among so many of the dealership's clients and their car-commercial-fed belief that a common SUV was more akin to a tank than a truck or a light 4WD, like a Jeep. He said he never failed to be amazed at how many of these clients would heedlessly plow into deep snow, slush or mud and expect their SUV to perform like something military grade, and how many transmissions he'd replaced when the drivers would get stuck, panic and try to just power their way out.
Even Tanks and Armored personnel carriers can be stuck. I've proven it.
Bah humbug! May Frostie the Snowman drip on your living room rug.
Yo, Scrooge...if you aren't going snap out of this "mood" find somewhere else to go.
You might want to check out the "mean and cruel" discussion, I'm pretty sure they're talking about you...
I guess we should make a list of threads that are needed. The Whiny Thread. The Bragging Thread........take your pick and run with it. :-)
Quinny, let me know what they say, will ya? I don't think I'm invited there. Why am I the only one ranting and raving? Does everybody have the Christmas spirit or what? Baaaahhhhh!
I live in the land of Hallmark. *this is now the Rub Your Nose In It Thread*
Velcro. Contact paper. Any of those double sided sticky things...
I can't be the only person that can't get the #^%damned protective coating off to reveal the sticky side. Can I?
Is there a trick I don't know about? Or, are these people just evil and they like torturing me?




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