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Don't screw with me today people. I'm going to vaccuum and clean the spare bathroom. I don't care for that shit, I think that married couples sharing household chores is bullshit. It's a man's world you know (at least it is in the Far East and The Middle East).
What Larry said. I sure do wish that my fiancee would let me share some of my household chore responsibilities with her, instead of her still using that transparent excuse that her broken leg's not yet fully healed yet and her allergies are acting up. The NERVE, thinking that I'll fall for that for the thousandth time. She's just LAZY, that's all.
Larry? Do you think I care? I'm having the roof torn off my house as we speak. Do you know what kind of mess that makes? And you're whining about a lousy bathroom...

And, last time I checked, there is more to the world than Asia and the Mideast!
If you want to live like they do, I'll send you a plane ticket. Have a nice life.
And, take Snagg with you, I'm sick and tired of his BS too!

Have a lovely day gentlemen ;-)
After that verbal dismemberment, you say "have a lovely day?" They're more than likely now to be found in a distant space curled up in a fetal position licking their new wounds.
Feh. It'll take an assload more abuse than that from the (to put it politely) hormone-crazed likes of Quinn to make me crawl into a corner and cry for Mama.

In fact, at the moment I'm cheerfully brewing up a huge vat of chicken stock on the stove, and the only "dismembering" being done around here is me chopping up the left-over chicken parts to marinate for fajitas this evening.

Of course, I can't speak to Larry's resiliency. Right about now, he could be throwing a noose over the barn rafters, for all I know...

Ah, for the OLD Days, when Men were Men, and women earned their living on their backs...
Jealous cause we still have that power over you?
What's this "WE" craploa, Keemosabette?

I answer to the raven-haired Queen of the "G" Dimension, and no other...
ubu wrote:
After that verbal dismemberment, you say "have a lovely day?" They're more than likely now to be found in a distant space curled up in a fetal position licking their new wounds.

As they should be...[what is the emoticon for evil grin?]
We need one of those, don't we? I want the "tongue planted firmly in cheek" emoticon.
Yeah, and while we're on the subject of "need", somebody needs to tell Quinn to not come creeping around to our house after dark anymore - Our dogs are trained to bite crazy people.
Snagg! The obvious question is;;;;; TA DA

How do you get past them?
'Cuz they WUV me, the big schweeties! They know which side of their dog biscuits are buttered, and they know who does it for 'em.




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