TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Sweet Maria, You know anytime you want, you can...

I don't know if that green would cash with my fur, but like to think I am the ...

ewwww to colonoscopy's...
And jammies that are too small. If he ordered new ones I don't know why he hasn't changed yet. they probably smell too!
Ya gotta be there to to... No Wait, you don't wanna be there. Hell I don't even wanna be there!!
colonoscopys used to be fun. They gave you a pretty strong mixture of demoral and valium. You didn't really care what they did to you. Then after it was over you got to lay in bed until some of the drugs wore off and then someone else had to drive you home. Ahh, the good old days. Now they just give you some crap that keeps you from remembring anything.
I think my pulse and blood pressure are back to normal. Time for bed. Good night all.

TeeBubbaDee, do you still have our numbers. I'll pm you.
Night Larry. Did you see that? Just one name, that's all it took.
Okay, I have to go walk the puppy.
For the one hundred and twelth time today.
She thinks "outside" means play time. It takes her a while to catch on ;-(
So do you have to use the plastic baggie method?
Yep, I saw that Ubu, we love our Quinn.
Did you change those pajama's yet Larry? What ARE you waiting for?




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