TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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He says that to ALL the girls.

God knows why. You're the first one that it's actually made any sense.

Christ on a Cracker, am I glad to have tomorrow off. I have a yard full of fallen leaves to stare at all day.
Snag after you are done staring at your leaves can you come stare at mine for awhile?
Ooh ooh, the start of the next war a la Canadian Bacon. No reference to you MM, just the movie...
Stunning barb, ubu? nice phrase

I'm a pain, Larry? Thanks for including me in the line up, but you know you protest too much. You love the consistent attention/harassment you get here, even if Anthony described it as daily deep doo doo.
I'm here for the attention and the abuse.
I'm here for the homemade cookies, and you broads are falling down on the job.

Hmf. Wimmin. Next they'll be demanding that we men treat 'em like they were people or something.

Larry, is it cramped or anything, standing facing the corner all day? 'Cause I think I'm about to find out what it's like, and I want to be prepared.
There's no way to prepare Snagg. You just have to take it. lol
Larry, I didn't think it was possible, but Snagg has outdone you in the insult department.

Snagg? You're bitter cause you know we got all the power! Get over it dude!

[And, I can't bake to save my life, but I make a mean lasagna!]
Quinn, if you can't bake, the least you can do is make a trip to the bakery. I'm tired of having to tell you everything.

(I just can't let Snagg out-whine me, I just can't)
Ning has really done it now. It was easier to stalk you people at the old tbd. Now it's even tougher than ever, wtf. Whose fault is this? I want names.
Yeah yeah, that's it Maria, the men's fault. Every time something doesn't go right with you women, blame it on a man.
If the shoe fits...
Yeah? Well if the shoe fits I'm sticking it up yo................ok, too far again. :)




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