TBD on Ning

Only in America can the lecherous leanings and extra-marital shenanigans of a dirty old man result in ratings gold and a national conversation.

The David Letterman Show scored its highest ratings yet as he aired his sexual proclivities in public under the guise of apologizing to his wife for betraying her with a variety of casual sexual partners. Partners, who, by the way, could have lost their jobs on Letterman's whim if they somehow displeased him. Or if Letterman ran out of Viagra.

Under the new rules implemented by self anointed elites, if a person is a celebrity, the normal rules of decent conduct are suspended. Unless, of course, the celebrity is a conservative. If only Senator "wide stance" Livingston were a Democrat, he'd have a restroom named in his honor. And probably his own personal peephole to boot.

Instead, as a member of the left, Letterman is accorded membership in the most valued and largest growing group in America. He is now an official 'victim.' And shame on those little tarts who used him in order to advance their own careers or merely to scratch a transient sexual itch.

Letterman's only sin appears to be his timing. He should have waited another week or so before stealing the headlines from pedophile rapist Roman Polanski. Whoppi Goldberg was right in the middle of convincing America that rape isn't rape and Hollywood had already garnered over 100 celebrity signatures calling for his release before Letterman rudely shifted the national conversation to his own sexual peccadilloes. Poor Roman.

The groundswell of elite support in favor of excusing Polanski for drugging and raping a 13 year-old girl 30 years ago could very well have resulted in freeing Polanski. Now, the fickleness and short attention spans of elite leftists may mean that Polanski may actually have to face the consequences of his past actions, instead of just getting his own star on Warsaw's 'walk of fame.' Life just isn't fair.

Former Boy President Bill Clinton can attest to that. After all, even though he was re-elected President after he made his historic seminal deposit on intern Monica Lewinsky's blue dress, he knows in his heart that the all the fuss was merely the result of a vast right wing conspiracy. The same right wing conspiracy that is now demanding that Roman Polanski be held accountable for the crime of which he was convicted. What meanies!

The vast right wing conspiracy just doesn't get it. Sex, anywhere, anytime, and with anyone, is now defined as 'empowerment.' Parading naked through the streets of San Francisco as cops stand idly by is considered a right. A right exclusive to gay men, but a right, nonetheless.

Pesky conservatives are only showing their ignorance when they object to the public swapping of spit between two men, or the sexual harassment of sweet young things by powerful men. And dirty old men have the right to express themselves sexually and publicly, without censure. As long as they continue to parrot the leftist agenda, that is.

I wouldn't be surprised if Obama's advisors are currently suggesting that he engage in sex with a subordinate. After all, that would immediately shift the nation's attention to the left's favorite topic instead of focusing on why Obama is ignoring our young fighting men in Afghanistan. But maybe, just maybe, Obama is more scared of Michelle than he is of the vast right wing conspiracy and the Taliban. Ya think?

Nancy Morgan is a columnist and news editor for RightBias.com
She lives in South Carolina

Tags: Barack, David, Letterman, Obama, Polanski, Roman, sex

Views: 120

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Just like all the people who get their news from CNN
Just like all the people who get their news from CNN

You're kidding, right? Ever hear of Wolf "lets build a fence around America" Blitzer, or Lou "Birther" Dobbs? Or Glen Beck, late of CNN? I always have to shake my head in disbelief when people imply CNN is liberal.
next time try using invisible ink...
I wonder who the new boss is on the Letterman show,
It sure isn’t him.
How are you going to get anything done?
You can’t discipline your female workers.
If you fire one, it’s called sexual harassment with a hell of a lawsuit to follow.
His ratings might be high, but he is on the way out.
Nancy, I have son-in law who is a well known journlist and has had books published. He would never sink low as to go on a social web site looking for material. I assume you are just having a lull in your SC life. This is not a good web site to get your material. This is not a commerical site. Good luck
I think I like Letterman more than ever now.
Thanks for the TBD community discussion.

Or whatever it is.
It was fun! I thought it was Spacebook when I first woke up to read your blog today, but then I noted that you are a "columnist," and I thought "Great! Now TBD-ning has invited newspeople with opinions! "

Good going! Can Letterman respond?
Wait...it's coming...

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

Ubu - Newly proclaimed columnist

Okay so I plagiarized.
Nancy _ i'm afraid you weakened your argument by turning it into a polarized screed. I was looking for a good, well-reasoned argument, but this piece was really not about "Dirty Old Men," after all; it was about your "unbalanced" political agenda.it
One of these days I hope to find someone on the left that has a sense of humor.
I believe no matter how thin the pancake, there are always two sides. I make no bones about presenting the conservatibve POV. That's what I do. And every time I do, the left attacks.
BTW: Opinions are not always judgements and debates are not always arguments - unless dealing with liberals.
I gather the objection to my post is that I included the source. I think I may have gotten just as many arguments if I didn't.... There's just no pleasing some people.
Lighten up, guys. We're all Americans and forums like this one are for debate - aren't they?
Oh now I understand...your post was supposed to be satirically humorous. Ha Ha. It was incredibly funny.
I gather the objection to my post is that I included the source.

Nancy I thought you were the sourse, what many object to is you trying to drive hits to your site. That to many constitutes advertising. Which constitutes spam. So why add it to your writing just leave it on your profile page.




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