TBD on Ning

What comes after the initial YES WE CAN slogan? Looking for the unspoken follow up to this phrase, both positive and negative. Call it the fill in the blank game. Here are some examples:

YES WE CAN...say one thing and do another.
YES WE CAN...vote to raise everyone's taxes and not pay our own.
YES WE CAN...fan the flames of racism rather than judge people by the content of their character.
YES WE CAN...screw things up just as much as the Republicans, but in a different way.
YES WE CAN...what?

Tags: Obama, politics

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Then you need to get out more and learn what this country is really about and stop believing every comspiracy theory you hear. This is a great and free country where anybody can succeed and be happy but we have to all try to get along and not let misinformation lead us into poor decissions.
Like the misinformation that EVERY politician gives out? Do you really BELIEVE what Obama and his cohorts are saying? Did you believe Bush? Clinton? Bush 1? Reagan? Carter? They all misinform.
I've been without health insurance myself. If I lose the job I just got a couple of months ago, I would be without insurance again. This is not a selfish thing. This is a greater good thing. I honestly believe that if this sort of system is put in place it will ruin it for EVERYONE eventually...including your kids and grandchildren and their children.

Maybe if we LOWERED TAXES instead of raising them, people could afford insurance. Of course, no democat is ever going to lower taxes, so that's not an option with this administration.
Oh hell, here we go again....let me apologize now before I say something that will upset your delicate sensibilities. God forbid I think for myself without consulting you who are oh so much wiser.
Sorry I didn't drink the kool-aid on 01-20-09.

By the way, within our study is an extensive library, bestowed upon my girlfriend and myself by her late father who was a military historian, published author, and a psychological warfare specialist who SERVED in THE UNITED STATES ARMY (and on behalf of The State Department worldwide) in his capacity as a military intelligence order of battle specialist and intelligence analyst with stellar distinction through WWII, KOREA and VIETNAM. We have more than the average intelligence available to us about military, political, and corporate business machinations and conspiracies that have spanned more than seventy years of the strategic objectives of worldwide protracted conflict .
In the words of Kautilya:

The arrow shot by an archer may or may not kill a single man; but skillful intrigue devised by wise men can kill even those who are in the womb.

From Arthasastra of Kautilya: India 321-296 B.C.

Pickleallen, his point is that when there is one conspiracy, there are many. To think that there are no conspiracies, to think that there are no intrigues, would be - I think naive. I'm certain you are not naive Pickleallen - and TSD was simply attempting to point out that he is blessed - or cursed, with more intelligence about some ongoing world events than others (generally speaking) given his access to my late fathers work, which I am editing for publication.

No harm, no foul. Peace gentlemen.
Thank you for the peaceful words. However I still believe that too many people believe in too many conspiracies. Yes maybe there are a few but everything government does is not a conspiracy. I believe what I believe and no one has ever shown me in a believeable way that things are very different.
I don't beleive in conspiracies. I believe in cause and effect. If we put this health care thing in place, eventually it will lead to fewer choices and substandard care. I also believe in history - politicians have always been snake-oil salesman and this president and administration are no different.

Why do you insist on twisting everyone's words? Can't you simply and honestly tell us what you believe?
I believe that health care in this country costs more than it should, that the outcomes are not what they could be, that some regulation of the insurance companies is absolutely necessary, that I public option is a viable alternative, that not all politicians are crooks, some politicians are crooks, some people will believe anything right wing radio people tell them, that the same people raving about cost now did not ask about cost when they were ramping up to the Iraq war and that as long as this country can't involve itself in civil debate things won't get better.
Does that answer your question?
Wylde said "How do you keep costs down? By DENYING treatment."

That's exactly what the Insurance Companies have been doing for too many years. With public option, there are many ways to save $. Look into it a little further, Wylde, and I think it will surprise you. For a start, think overhead. Multi million $ yearly payments to Ins. executives for one. I'm sure you'll discover alot more.
Treatments cost money. When you deny treatments it saves money. Got it? Sounds pretty simple to me. Not sure why you're pretending not to understand this concept.




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