Red One has no weekend plans so will wander around the neighborhood hoping to spot someone in a bikini.The neighbors are on to him and spray him with their hoses when he's in the area.
Red One has a job on the side to make extra money on the weekend.Well ok .....he actually has TWO extra side jobs.He pimps out of the cab he is driving! Are you out of town and need a date and THEN need a ride back to the airport??? Red One is your Hook Up Dude!
Fractalac is THE PIMP. He has girls girls that do anything for their customers and most times he reaps the benefits. He wears the whole getup ...fedora, white suit, bell bottoms and that fox fur tops the whole outfit. He lives the life...diamond in the back,sun roof top, digging the scene with a gangster lean....
KBT tells everyone she's the Avon Lady.... But dig the name "KBT"? She takes the Avon products and sells them at exorbitant prices as a Mary K lady. Ergo "KBT." LOL
Sarge was down graded in his job. He no longer is a Walmart greeter. He was making everyone march in step.....Now he's in charge of rat droppings on the loading dock. The rats are starting to walk funny, go figure.