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breaking news!!! Congress beginning impeachment proceeding against OBAMA!!!! yipeeee

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I did have employee's, and I did lay them off almost 3 yrs ago. closed the shop too.

I'm not going to support this administration, for nothing.

perhaps I'll re-open and hire people if things change, but absolutely not until then. And I'm not alone with that either. I know of several business owners that are riding this administration out with far fewer employee's till it's over...

supporting this administration is like buying the ammo for a government that's going to use it to shoot you with.

I’m retired from the high-tech field.
I made a statement about the depression on another site about what caused it. Sense I took economics in college, I told them that it was margin buying on the market that caused the crash. This was a young people web site. They gave me a resounding failure for a comment like that.
The government is running our schools, can I say more?

Yes the government is running our schools and before the republicans started to dismantel them with "reforms" under Reagan we had the best educated population of any country in the world.

It seems that everything republicans do doesn't work and their solutions is to do it again but stronger.


Bush did'n help education either with his no child left behind laws.

Sorry, the idiots will get left behind and make the teacher look like she/he can't teach.

Who is going to fix this? I hav't heard any takers.

just listening to some of the rank and file military members, I do know there is one stewing in the Marines that looks a lil serious, but not sure if they're going to act. and have no more information than that for obvious reasons. Very few military members support current POTUS. and many are rebelling in many sorted ways, FB blogs, refusing orders, and currently suicide amongst rank and file military is the highest ever and actually exceeds casualties from conflict. but you won't see that in the propaganda news networks.  I think it's possible, not sure what's going to spark it though. in 1776 we put up with just about everything we do today, tax's, tyranny, oppression but the actual spark occurred when they came after our guns.   I would think it's safe to say the same rule will likely apply today, and the American people would have the same reaction to having they're guns taken from them as they did in 1776, and that would be armed rebellion, and Revolution by ordinary citizens.

The military personnel refusing orders………………….
Don’t think so

darroll do you even know who is actually the head of all military in the U.S.?

If anybody did what Tool suggests they would be disobeying orders. also there are laws against plotting the overthrow of the government.

You folk amaze me in what you will believe.

Toolmaker, Have you ever served in the military? Have you ever been in a combat zone? Have you ever had others trying to kill you?

What do you think of the draft? Who should serve in the military?

Should the local militias be funded by the states, the Federal Government or the members?

I don't know Robbie. he said...

I'm not going to support this administration, for nothing. perhaps I'll re-open and hire people if things change, but absolutely not until then. And I'm not alone with that either. I know of several business owners that are riding this administration out with far fewer employee's till it's over.

Does this mean tool is not working and not paying taxes? Geeze, is he like me and getting government benefits to survive. If he's not, I wonder how he provides for his family if he's not working.




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