*directed to Ms Penny....*
What a beauty!!!
I told Happy that he could not adopt the Mom.
Rant: This afternoon I rolled down the Passenger side window on the Jeep. When I pushed the button to roll it back up there was a clunking noise and it wouldn't roll up. I thought that maybe if I pulled it up it might stay until i could get it to the shop tomorrow. No such Luck. When I let go of it, it fell all the way down inside the door. I wasn't able to get to the inside of the door to see if i could fix it, and it was starting to sprinkle. So, now I have a car with the passenger side window covered by taping a garbage bag over it. Another save by duct tape and plastic bags. Hope it isn't raining tomorrow so I can remove the garbage bag and drive to the repair shop.
It isn't easy to navigate through intersections when you can't see anything to the right.
My manager & I are both new to our jobs & are doing that little tenuous feeling-each-other-out, getting-to-know-each-other dance.
Rant: I had 2 leave requests in for the upcoming weeks--
2 evenings off on 11/16 & 17, but I said I could work during the day both of those days
off Sat-Mon, 11/19-21 (Ducatiman's taking me away on a mystery weekend getaway. hmmm... '-)
Got my schedule last night. I'm scheduled evenings for BOTH 11/16 & 17
& I'm off on 11/19 & 20 but scheduled on 11/21.
grr. I was aggravated.
Rave: E-mailed my manager & she e-mailed me right back & said it was an oversight & she'd fix it asap.
...holding my breath 'til I see the revised schedule.
My fiancee and I just spent the last three days cleaning out fifty-odd years worth of trash out of my parent's garage. My dad was a hoarder and dumpster diver who dragged home every broken and useless thing that he could find, always swearing that he would "fix it" and sell it all at a garage sale and make a fortune.
This was a guy who could barely change a roll of toilet paper, whose entire collection of tools was crap he'd dug out of garbage cans or was abandoned after flea markets, who never fixed anything in the fifty-three years of my life that I knew him - And not a living soul could tell him that, either. He was 1000% convinced that he was Bob Vila and Mr. Wizard rolled into one, and that some sucker was going to pay him top dollar some day for that collection of broken leaf rakes that he'd crammed into a dark corner. They lived at that house for sixty years, and they never parked a car in that garage once. Ever.
He died early last year, and it's only now that my mom's found the gumption to write off that cave of shit and let us clean it out. We've been bugging her for a year, but she wouldn't hear of us hauling the crap out to the alley where she would have had to spend an extra ten dollars - Once - for the garbage guys to pick up the extra piles of trash and be done with it. Nope, she was too busy explaining her financial savvy to us, the same savvy that allowed three cars to rust out early because they wouldn't DREAM of having an empty garage to store them in, not when they had all that TREASURE waiting to be discovered inside it.
I'll tell you - This is one reason I'll never, ever accept the claims of "thriftiness" and "economic smarts" that people their age always tell me that they learned from "making do without" during the Great Depression. Or why I'll never vote for anybody that they tell me "knows the value of a dollar". Yeesh.
Thank you Snagg for sharing this snippit of true life.
Whether you like it or not ...I'm sending you a cyber (((hug))).
It's a bitch becoming the grown up.
My sweet mothers' life was reduced to 2 cardboard boxes after 87yrs of an ordinary but remarkable life.
I strongly suspect and here by predict that they will find some sort of chemical high that the hoarding bug produces in said hoarders of which , hey folks , I am one. I like to think that binging and purging of stuff and cool junk is healthier than being a heroin addict but annoying none the less to our loved ones. My mostest , favoritest quilt is hanging up in the library and that is a by product of my hoarding ways. It has a $2,500 price tag on it to boot. Two different organizations have requested to use it as a fundraiser so far. So I'm encouraged to hunt and gather more crap and even network with other hunters and gatherers to buy parts of their stash. I have a feeling that if I unload this quilt my daughter will be very upset but my roof continues to rust silently in the interim. The only solution I can see is to make enough quilts to make everyone happy. Talk about shoveling against the tide. Fortunately I like what I'm doing. I'm not trying to attract a mate so I can enjoy my space. And making crazy quilts is better than smoking pot and drinking. For me anyway.
Ah, but you're actually producing something of worth, that you intend to deliver to a needy person or organization. My dad, on the other hand, couldn't believe that a 1984 Nike left shoe that he'd scrounged out of a garbage can wasn't a priceless artifact, and he blamed the world for not offering to trade him a yacht in exchange for this treasure that he'd squirreled away and forgotten about and never put up for sale.
I know the difference between a "collector", a person who intends to rotate their stock, and a delusional, greedy idiot. Collectors and resale folks have a system, a form of order, and they generally know where their stuff is. My parent's garage, on the other hand, looked like a bomb had gone off in a Salvation Army store. Total chaos. Fractured, crooked shelving sitting empty while random cardboard boxes full of rotting trash leaned against them, any imaginable amalgam of objects thrown into the same barrel or pilfered Pepsi crate and then crammed against each other to form a "base" for more of the same to be stacked upon it, gaping holes punched through the dry wall where heaps of god-knows-what had finally succumbed to gravity and toppled over. In the early 60's, I watched while he cursed and spent two hours clearing a path to a wall where he devoted another two hours trying to figure out how to put up a simple pegboard. He finally sort of nailed it to the wall, stuck a dozen hooks in it, hung up a rusted tin washtub on one of them, and promptly shoved the crap he'd pushed out the way to get there back in place and never hung another thing on it. Bags of empty soda and beer cans that he swore he'd take to the scrap metal yard, but kept waiting "until the price went up" sat for DECADES. He wasted thousands of dollars in gasoline driving around until he found, oh, say....A dented 2 gallon gas can with a hole in the bottom, and drug that home - Because he was going to "fix it". And of course he never did. And this was his KINGDOM, make no doubt about that. He had four space heaters piggybacked onto the extension cord that was plugged into the sole outlet in the thing, and he'd spend all day out there in the dead of winter, "sorting" and "arranging" his artifacts. My brother and I generally wished that some day the cord would finally short out and burn the shitpile to the ground - With him in it.
I know I sound like I'm bitter and clinging to negative emotions here, but I'm just keeping my strike-with-the-force-of-an-avenging-tornado attitude stoked - Because, you see, that was just the garage - Their BASEMENT is WORSE, and I'll have to tackle that in the spring.
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