TBD on Ning

 Have you heard that PETA is going to have a pornographic site devoted to veganism , which is probably not bad in and of itself, ie healthier and better for a heavily populated planet. OK , so veganism is better for everyone. Is porn the way to go about making more people turn to an animal friendly diet????? Would you give up an angus burger to view this site???

Tags: MickeyDs, PETA, angus burger, porn, really

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Seriously a porn site promoting veganism is not my business, nor anyone else's for that matter, unless you've a mind to visit said site. It would have no affect on my eating habits one way or the other. I doubt five years from now it will have changed a thing.

I cannot grasp this concept. I would not consider the picture of Pam wraped in lettuce to be porn.

Could someone describe how porn can promote veganism? Maybe you could use illistrations to describe it?

It's all marketing, Robbie. Take the message to the masses.

I'm hankering for a beer and a tractor pull.

I hardly find Pamela Anderson, of all people, to be a worthwhile spokesperson for anything...


Reply by Quinn 1 hour ago
I hardly find Pamela Anderson, of all people, to be a worthwhile spokesperson for anything...

Oh, I dunno......she would probably do good representing Victoria's Secret.
Hey! Kid Rock married her. she can't be all bad.
And we must remember......everyone has a purpose, even if it's to set a bad example.





Robbie , they busted Iraqis with 4 IEDs that were smuggled through Tiajuana into the states.


Good song.



And "Kid" is discerning?  

I find most celebrities attention whores.   Very few of them acknowledge the fact that they are paid to pretend and happily toddle off to the bank with loads of money endorsers  will pay them....even PETA.  Who knows that Pamela Sue dimwit doesn't sneak in a slice of bacon to go with her lettuce thong...?

Jaylee, My comment was tounge in cheek. Their marrage is usually refered to as a "Drive By"

marrage. I do however like Kid Rock's music. Rock, Rap, and Country. He is a great talent. Can play many musical insturments.

But, "discerning" ? NO!



*I know*




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