Hi All, I as told that I needed a scary Avatar for Holloween. So I picked the Scariest one I could find.
Well, most of the Tea Party people are more scary, but I was afraid of the cost of liability insurance if I posted them and someone suffered a heart attack.
Don't forget the REDNECK "Gun-toting", Bible-thumping", fire and brimstone - "you're all going to Hell", Moral Majority religious right-wing element of the Republican party....they scare me just as much as the Communists, Nazis and the Islamic fundamentalists put together.
Remember the old bumper sticker and tee shirt that said,
The madness will not end as long as there are arrogant egos to be stroked, self-serving billionaires to want to be coddled and pampered, tax monies to be highjacked and angry morons to be manipulated and exploited.
Wally World is just plain scary. I normally boycott it, but enjoy it as a guilty pleasure every once in awhile. We went there over the weekend & it was just plain scary. Is there a special day or time that "normal" people shop there or is it always somewhat of a freak show?? ;-p
Permalink Reply by P.A. on November 3, 2010 at 5:01pm
I never go to Wally World anymore unless it is the middle of the night and I have to have something or die. I gave up going for a number of reasons both political and personal. I live in a relatively small town but it is the biggest town for many miles around, particularly to the West. Anyway I went once at about 3pm on Christmas Eve and It was much worse than usual. I have no idea where those people come from but I just came home without whatever I went for in the first place. That was my last non emergency trip to Wally World.