Added by Daddieo on September 30, 2010 at 12:30pm — No Comments
Let's see, It's been 17 days since the last Blog.
Ok, left Russell, Kansas and RRC's Antique shop on the morning of the 14th.
Rolled into the Air Force Academy RV Park that eve.
The 15th through 17th was spent getting reaclamated to the altitude and finding my way around Colorado…
ContinueAdded by CWO3ROBBIE on September 29, 2010 at 10:27pm — 4 Comments
I wanted to take the ride, sit under the stars with you by my side and watch the sky blanket the earth, wade through an ocean of rebirth; a simple moment in time, love to live, live to die, never to turn a blind eye on the freedom of choice, a river of hope, a baby's cry, the pain of doubt, never to forever decide on years ahead and those behind just take the ride and…
ContinueAdded by Vikkig on September 20, 2010 at 8:49am — No Comments
Arrived at a nice RV park in downtown Independence, MO Fri eve. It was raining Fri. morning while I was hooking up the car and getting things ready to leave Scott AFB and St. Louis. Drove most of the day with very little rain falling. Then when I got to the RV Park and started to unhook and set up, it started to rain again. It would rain for a short period and stop. I would go out and start to set up and it would start again. Finely just went ahead and got wet. As soon as I finished setting…
ContinueAdded by CWO3ROBBIE on September 12, 2010 at 8:12pm — 4 Comments
Added by ZenDog on September 11, 2010 at 7:30pm — 2 Comments
wow!!! It's been awhile. Almost three Months. We were in Georgetown, TX when I wrote "OTRA 28" in June.
A lot has happened since. However, I spent most of the summer either on the farm where I have trouble getting on the internet; or engaged in adventures that left no time for posting blogs. And, during this summer tbd seems to have lost most of it's core transferees from the old tbd to the new MyAtlantis or other social networking sites. Happy and I are now back on the road and I…
ContinueAdded by CWO3ROBBIE on September 8, 2010 at 7:16pm — 6 Comments
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