TBD on Ning

Arrived at a nice RV park in downtown Independence, MO Fri eve. It was raining Fri. morning while I was hooking up the car and getting things ready to leave Scott AFB and St. Louis. Drove most of the day with very little rain falling. Then when I got to the RV Park and started to unhook and set up, it started to rain again. It would rain for a short period and stop. I would go out and start to set up and it would start again. Finely just went ahead and got wet. As soon as I finished setting up it stopped raining.

I helped another RVer manouver into the slot beside me and then went in and took a shower. Later went downtown and had a great meal at a German Resturant. There was a really weird looking building near the RV park. I thought it was an art museum or something. Turned out to be a church.

Got up Saturday Morning and had an uneventful trip over to Russell, Kansas. Pulled into the RV park where I stayed the last time I came through here. Unhooked and drove over to Ruby Red Crystal's Antiques and Collectables Shop. Went in, introduced myself and had a great visit with Crystal and her business partner. RRC is number 57. That is how many TBDers I have met in real life.

She Told me that Kasey, Who I met at the KC meeting two years ago, preaches at a church here. I decided to stay in Russell another day and get together with RRC and Kasey Sunday afternoon.

So, Sunday at one o'clock we met at the ENCORE Antiques and Collectables Shop. Also met RRC's husband, Ward. I had intended to get a picture of Kasey, RRC and I together. However, I forgot to bring my camera. Kasey had to leave for another appointment. So, later I went back to the RV Park and came back with the Camera. Have some shots of RRC, Happy, and I. Check out the sign in the background.

Oh, Alright! Here is a copy for those of you who are not laying down.

.Happy wows another woman

Ward and Crystal paid a visit to the RV park and we had an enjoyable chat. They then had to leave because Crystal had play practice.

Tomorrow I plan to push on toward Colorado Springs.

Views: 21

Tags: Antiques, Dole, Kansas, RV, Visits


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Comment by Snagg on September 20, 2010 at 3:08am
Try and swing through on your way back. I'll show you where Mary Todd Lincoln hid the White House silverware she stole.
Comment by D. D. Olson on September 18, 2010 at 8:11am
Fun to see the pictures, Robbie!
Comment by CWO3ROBBIE on September 15, 2010 at 5:38am
I did. Wow!! It's now 6:35 in the morning here in Colorado and there are now four people on line. Oopps, now 3.
Comment by Stir Young on September 14, 2010 at 4:16pm
I hope you bought a few items from RRC's store, Robbie!



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