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Stir Young's Blog – August 2010 Archive (3)

Livin' out here on "The Leelanau": The Road Wearier 1978. The Grand Traverse Lighthouse

I take a bicycle ride out the the Grand Traverse Lighthouse quite often. Its located at the very tip of the Leelanau Peninsula, in the Leelanau State Park. The lighthouse is administered by a non profit group under a lease with the Sate of Michigan.



For reference, here's a picture that I've posted before. Its the entrance to my subdivision. The road heading toward the top of the picture is due north. That's…


Added by Stir Young on August 19, 2010 at 7:00pm — 2 Comments

Livin' out here on "The Leelanau": Off the road and on the patio!

Sometimes we all just need to kick back....take a little respite from our travels and travails. Such was the case this past weekend when several of my old buddies made their annual trek "up north" to play golf. Then they continued on to my house to stay the night. This routine has been going on for years and years.

Needless to say, a few pops were consumed, and we regaled each other by telling and retelling the old tales. Heck, I've known…


Added by Stir Young on August 10, 2010 at 12:41pm — 3 Comments

Livin' out here on "The Leelanau": The Road Wearier 1978. Down the Old Plank Road!

Well, here's a little number from Uncle Dave Macon called "Down the Old Plank Road". We aren't going down any plank road, but we will take a look a little used dirt road out here on "The Leelanau". I'm a big fan of Uncle Dave, and this is one of my cheap tricks to include music where it doesn't really belong.

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Added by Stir Young on August 4, 2010 at 7:23pm — 8 Comments



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