I am that I am. I will let my Light shine throughout the world and all that come in contact with through my Loving to each and every one of you!!!!
Favorite Quote for the day...
"I keep saying to myself that I want a simple life, but keep meandering off that path into complexity. Spending the day in quiet led me to this thought: re-center your life around the things you are grateful for.
Many of the truly powerful people I’ve known-- the centered, the balanced people, the people who have affected my life with their kindness and gentleness--live simply, have confronted themselves, and have come to peace with themselves. I have noticed a kind of quiet about them."
-Roderick W. MacIver writing in HeronDance.org
If you are living with lupus, you are no longer "living." You are waiting. Waiting to recover from one flare or for your next one to begin.
& Elliot
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Wishing you P-E-A-C-E that takes root in our souls and spreads throughout the worlds foundation.

"We Can Change The World." Graham NashLynda
& Elliot

If you are living with lupus, you are no longer "living." You are waiting. Waiting to recover from one flare or for your next one to begin.HOPE
& Elliot

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