Here's an interesting writing prompt: if you're stuck for character names, visit your Spam folder and read the names of the "senders" for some inspiration. You'll probably get some good laughs, too!
If you're journaling, try this writing exercise. Just as swiftly as you can, write down ten complete, unrelated sentences. Whatever comes to mind. Don't stop to edit, or even think about them. Just write as fast as your fingers can carry you. When you're done, take the one you like the best and post it here. Do this a couple of times a week to shake the cobwebs out. It's a lot of fun, and sometimes a surprising sentence will roll out.
My sense about punctuation is, if it adds to the clarity of the message you want to convey by adding them, then use them. It if adds to the message by leaving them out, then by all means, drop them like a hot spud. I had a teacher once tell me, "Once you know the rules, then you can break them to good effect.".
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