TBD on Ning

What comes after the initial YES WE CAN slogan? Looking for the unspoken follow up to this phrase, both positive and negative. Call it the fill in the blank game. Here are some examples:

YES WE CAN...say one thing and do another.
YES WE CAN...vote to raise everyone's taxes and not pay our own.
YES WE CAN...fan the flames of racism rather than judge people by the content of their character.
YES WE CAN...screw things up just as much as the Republicans, but in a different way.
YES WE CAN...what?

Tags: Obama, politics

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you are a lost cause without hope. I respectfully bow out of any further exchanges with you. have a good life
Lost cause without hope? I say that would be you. I find your close-mindedness repugnant. You are the problem, not the solution.

And thank you, I already have a wondeful life - full of love and laughter and opportunity. I don't rely on the government to take care of me.

Peace, pickleallen. You are sincere and I wish you well - whatever we may disagree about.

Wow!!!! Wylde....Play nice.
YES WE CAN....send some white hoods and a few neo-facist newsletters to the We The People Group.
Speaking of "self wallerin'" I would say that I am doing the opposite of that. In case you aren't aware, we are living like royalty in this country compared to millions of people around the world. I focus on what I have and not on what I don't have and I thank God for it every single day. I would love to see some of the most vocal people on this thread stand before an Ethiopian mother whose child is dying of malnutrition or malaria - just stand there with your styled and colored hair, your makeup, your nice clothes and show that woman pictures of your refrigerator full of food, your hot and cold running water, your comfortable bed, your cell phone and television and car - and tell her your tale of woe - tell her how "unfair" and miserable your life is. Will she give you the sympathy you're demanding on this thread? I doubt it. I bet she would be give anything to have one 1/100th of the material blessings you have.

Who's doing the "self wallerin'"?
YES WE CAN...advocate for people who have no food, clothing, shelter, medicine, water...but, we'd rather bitch and moan that WE don't have "enough" while we're shopping at the supermarket and chatting on our cell phones.
I'm hateful...okay. If I don't agree with your opinion and think there might be a better way...I'm hateful.

What the Ethiopian mother has to do with this is that you don't appreciate your blessings. You care about yourself and only yourself while you're living like royalty compared to that woman.

And I'm hateful...okay, Marge...whatever you say. Nice to see how much you really "value my friendship"...until I disagree with you about ONE issue. And like I've said over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over....I think it's a good idea for people to have this care...BUT I DON'T TRUST THE POLITICIANS TO DELIVER ON THEIR PROMISES. What is wrong with that? Can you answer me in a civilized way, that is, without calling me hateful or some other nasty name? Friend...
No, jacuin, YOU are doing the self wallerin'. I'm fine the way I am. I'm grateful for everything I have. I'm not self-focused on what I DON'T have, I'm eternally grateful for what I DO HAVE. You, however, can't see past yourself or your needs.

I don't why I picked Africa. Because I'm a horrible, whining, hating person, I guess. What's your point? That I'm prejudiced against "hideously poor people" in other countries besides Africa? It was an example and you know that. But, because you don't have a logical response, you are once again attempting to twist it around into me being an awful human being.

I've already been denied coverage for my psoriatic arthritis. I CAN'T GET COVERAGE. I still don't think the government will deliver on it's promises.

But, I'm a hateful whiner, according to you, my "friend".

By the way, the government has bankrupted social security and medicare...it won't be there when I'm ready to retire...so please explain why I'm supposed to trust the government not to spend the health insurance money on other stuff?
Yes we can build each other up..or tear each other down
Yes we can make self improvements..or allow ourselves to be beat down

Yes we can back those we voted into office..or we can grumble and watch the change around us without being a part of the process.
Yes we can be an active part of the changes needed in health care..or we can allow our own people to continue to suffer and live a life less than "this country" claims to behold.

Yes we can honor the strengths and visions of those who built this country..or we can be a part of it's ruin
Yes we can unite, help, connect, communicate, co-operate, and fight for change..or we can continue the petty argument that has not and does not produce positive change.

Yes I do believe that we as a people can rebuild that which has been allowed to fall apart, we can rebuild, regain and restructure that which has not worked for ALL Americans in the past. Yes, Oh Yes we can...

Yes we can provide for all Americans a more level playing field, so that all are equal in all aspects of the living of the American life.

We are not a third world country, we are not any other country, we are America....Yes we Can!
Some of these are great sentiments, but I don't think Obama will produce any of it.

I do have to comment on the "level playing field" thing...Obama never talks about wealth creation or helping the poor rise above their circumstances...I believe that his idea for "leveling the playing field" means tearing down the wealthy and middle class so that everyone suffers the same.

Bush favored his rich friends at the expense of the poor and middle class and Obama favors the poor at the expense of the rich and middle class. Notice how the middle class ALWAYS gets screwed? They're both extremists and I didn't vote for either of them. Where are the sensible middle-of-the-roaders?




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