TBD on Ning

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For one, they'll stop Maria before she crosses the border and Quinn will never find me. Mwahaha!
OH, You probably should never consider a position on a chicken farm.

Here's some dinner music for moosie.
No Christmas music before Thanksgiving!
I concur!!
.....Even if it's me playing it?

I have "Christmas" music that makes most people want to drive into bridge abutments. Although not for the same reason that most people drive into bridge abutments when they hear Christmas music.
Nope. Not me. No "Kenny G Christmas" here. TOTALLY different motivating force when I play Xmas tuneage. Yessirree. You Bet. Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Hah...
As if Christmas music before Thanksgiving wasn't bad enough, I saw Christmas decor being prepared (on the retail floor) a week before Halloween. Talk about crass.
You're going to hold off until the Sunday before Christmas, right Snagg?
Yep. I'm not a sadist...exactly.
Most of us are thankful he had his hat with him.




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