TBD on Ning

This is the place to vent your frustrations.  Have at it!!

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Not as old as dirt but younger than Springtime....:-)

New knees don't hurt the mobility thing either.

Dee had one of her knees scoped last year. They chipped a lot of junk out. It took her about 6 months to get back to normal. Now she wishes she would have gone ahead and done the whole deal, because she feels that is what's going to happen sooner or later.
Hummph!!!Bunch of youngsters.

Ok, this is a RANT!!!!! I came across this while looking for something entirely different. Please be advised this video is extremely graphic, and contains pictures of dead cats and dogs. This just totally pisses me off.


I'm not going to watch it, Teebs, but I'm sorry you came across it. Is it something that you can complain about to someone? Is there a way to register a complaint w/YouTube?


That made me cry.

Mrs.Pennypacker cried too.

I once saw a show where they throw live cats into boiling hot water to burn off the hair, then they

sold them for food.

The are sick people.


back to the thread.

Rant i have to rake leaves.

Rave it is raining, can't rake wet leaves in rain.

And sorry Beth, I didn't mean to make you cry, but again, I think people should be aware of this kind of cruelty.
Deez, It's a PETA video of the cat and dog trade in China. The animals are brutally caged, and maimed, and then killed for their furs, some of which may end up in US department stores being mislabeled as another type of fur. I don't want to complain to YouTube, because this is something that people should be aware of.
To answer your question, Yes I am. Ok, I'm a carnivore, and love a good steak. I also lived next door to a slaughter house as a kid. Yes, I've seen pigs hung upside down squealing, and watched as their throats were slit. Yes, I've watched cows being shot in the head. But I never saw them toss a cow off the back of a truck and break it's legs just because it's an easier way to unload the truck.
I saw the thing about chickens......................haven't been able to eat any since. My great uncle was a vegetarian because he worked at a slaughter house as an 18 year old.
I do not eat chicken either.  I only eat animals that are vegetarians.




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