TBD on Ning

I have roamed all the way back to page 6 of the discussions. All Right!!! I admit that I kept getting distracted by all the goings on, both witty and serious, while I was gone. It took me a while to catch up. But I couldn't find my favorite discussion. "Random Thoughts". Finely on a random chance, I looked in the Games Dept. There it is. I don't understand. Who thought "Random Thoughts" should be in the games group? It's not fair. When I play games I have to concentrate. How can my ADD brain concentrate on a game, knowing that Random Thoughts is within a key stroke. I think all us random thinkers should rebel. If we can stay on subject long enough. Actually, I guess organized random thinking is an oxymoron.


Where do you think Random Thoughts should be?

Tags: confused, dazed, lunacy, sex, thoughts

Views: 85

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Well.... ummm.... hmmm.... geez, Olivia, I th-think you've rendered me speechless. Do you realize what a difficult feat that is?
Is this the same son you're confounded at for leaving Podunk, I mean Oxford, AL & moving to Atlanta? hehehe
I just picked up another tbd'er @ Hartsfield last weekend & drove her to the Hotel Indigo in Athens. She was going over for the weekend for a wedding & it gave me an excuse to go spend an evening w/my bff & her partner.

I can't wait to get to Asheville next month! My guy & I are simply driving over for the evening from our vacation cabin in the Great Smoky Mtns to catch Amos Lee in concert. Two of my very favorite men in the same place at the same time. I may swoon.
Disclaimer: Okay, unless you're Lynne, don't waste your time reading this, b/c it will almost
guaranteed have nothing in it you can identify with or appreciate.

Atlanta is a test market for a line of Nature's Own Gluten Free bread that they're making
in a lab in Thomasville, GA. I bought 2 loaves this week, one of each kind, & I am sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
enjoying eating bread!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's all.
It's too hot in Texas!
Well, by no means should you bring it east w/you! And that's an order.
Wrong, it's hot and humid and fantastic. Gotta love summer.
It's 88 degrees here now, Quinn, w/an expected high today of 94 & tomorrow of 95. ;-p
I have another job interview this afternoon. Wish me luck that it motivates the other job opportunity to make me an offer!
Good Luck.

Done and Done.
Olivia speaks from experience.
Channel the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt and ask her opinion.
Well, if I can't eat at my desk & leave early on Fridays, I'm just not interested.
And I wasn't going to wear a tee shirt! I have a lovely halter top I'm planning on wearing.

(and p.s... the other job... the dept. mgr. told me that they usually get out of there by noon on Fridays. whoo~hoo whoo~hoo~hoo > Vonage celebratory tune '-)




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