1. National Health Care Plan
A. teach new parents how to bring up baby.
B. Written based upon a book written by his NHC advisor
C Attempted to have passed without study or input by the House
2. Proposal to allow him to take over the internet
A. only in what he deems is an emergency
3. He has proposed to install federal troops in each state.
4. Talking to school children and setting up learning plans.
5. On television frequently
A. Losing the networks advertising time.
6. Just like third world countries
A. has frequent press conferences
B. On Billboards
C. All the medias
i. Television
ii. Newspapers
iii. Magazines
7. Has been creating Czars to run our business and lives
A. The citizens have no voice in these "leaders" appointments
8. Giving away money just like Hitler did when he got into power.
9. Rumors that he may use the flu pandemic a reason for martial law.
A. There is a proposal that would give the police or Militia right to come
into peoples homes if not fully cooperating with Federal mandates on
flu shots.
Tags: Care, Health, National, Obama
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